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The Front Porch Gazette

Life & Events > Death & Reflection

Death & Reflection

Every once in awhile I write an actual blog, of course to those (Martin)might be disappointed because it isn't poetry-related. But sometimes I come in contact with people who relate an event or a story which gives me pause to think. Today was such a day, a person that I know recently lost her husband. I had not seen this person in a couple of weeks and I was taken surprise by the news. From what I gathered it was sudden and took place while the couple were asleep, she didn't realize anything was wrong until the morning. Then there was his age, he was 56 years old...just a year older then myself. I expressed my condolences to this woman, gave her a hug and told her if she needed anything to call me..which is a genuine offer. I thought about the rest of the day, and I think when there are times when a person passes and you wonder why? You think of all the ways that people come to the end of the line here on earth, and the ones that are frustrating are the "innocent bystanders". Those are the people who are strolling along life's path one day, and the next day they are no longer here. Sure there is always a reason why, illness, accident, natual disaster and the list goes on. It also caused me to remember my fathers passing, which was about 2 1/2 years ago. My dad was 3 weeks shy of his 88th birthday, he had managed to outlive 7 of his brothers & sisters..5 of which hadn't lived to see their 60th birthday. The other 2 lived to be 71 & 65, and his parents were 66 & 72 when they passed. But my father I want to believe knew that his time was coming, for health issues had been mounting in recent years..culmenating with a removal of 1/3 of a lung that had a cancerous tumor. My dad had called my sister 2 weeks before his passing and told her he was tired, and I was called but I was sleeping from working on a graveyard shift. He had told my daughter that he was worried about me and hoped I was on the mend, I never got the chance to call him back and thank him for his concern. He slipped away silently one morning in January 2011, just the way he wanted..no nursing home and no extreme measures to bring him back. I can only hope that upon my passing that I will go silently, and with dignity Be able to live my life and not be a slave to it, praying..looking for someway out. I hope that woman I talked to will be able to take comfort in the memories of her husband, and the life they shared and the children they raised. I apologize for the length, but as my wife forever tells me I am not an point A to point B person when it comes to telling a story, but eventually I will get there.

posted on May 30, 2013 3:51 PM ()


We all want to go quickly and quietly. I don't want to hang on to life when I am ill.
comment by elderjane on June 14, 2013 1:31 PM ()
Quite a moving post, Tim. I think about a friend of mine who died from a sudden heart attack...he was dead before he hit the ground. Being hooked up with tubes and wires to medical gizmos is not an attractive way to end one's life. Old age ain't for sissies.
comment by steeve on June 5, 2013 7:34 PM ()
Was visiting my mother in hospital when i was asked by 2 doctors to leave so i waited outside but could hear what was said . they asked how she was feeling and how old she was , 86 mum said , they then asked her if she had had a good life , then went on to say her kidneys were really bad and to keep her alive she would have to have dialisis which would be painful and costly , owing to limatations on who could be treated with good outcomes , they would leave it to her to refuse treatment and they would make her as comfotable as possible to the end.
to look at mum you would not think there was anything wrong with her , but she died next day
comment by kevinshere on May 31, 2013 2:52 AM ()
I'm told that renal failure is not the worst way to go. It was good news to me, since I have stage 3 chronic kidney disease. I'm glad your mum passed quietly.
reply by steeve on June 5, 2013 7:37 PM ()
That was a touching story KevinBut your mom seem to know what was going to happen and chose her outcome. I think they're alot of people who don't have that option, due to either mental or physical limitations.
reply by redwolftimes on May 31, 2013 8:23 AM ()
Those sudden deaths, and even the ones with more warning make us realize how important it is to live each day fully and appreciate our loved ones. And have our business affairs organized.
comment by troutbend on May 30, 2013 9:57 PM ()
Of course that is fear not fair!!!
comment by greatmartin on May 30, 2013 8:02 PM ()
I read what ever you write--poetry and/or p[rose and like it all. LOL

As far as death--I went through many deaths during the 1980s due to AIDS--so many to the point where I stopped going to funerals--now that I am old I have lost many people because of age plus living in a community of 300 old folks when you don't see someone for 2-3 days you are afraid to ask.

Like your father I want to go to sleep and slip away silently--my only fair is being dependent and THE nursing home :O)

By the way I don't plan on going so I don't think about it!
comment by greatmartin on May 30, 2013 4:38 PM ()
You better not...my wife (and of course me) want to meet you, and my oldest daughter thinks it'd be so cool to hang out with you. Maybe do some shopping
reply by redwolftimes on May 30, 2013 6:07 PM ()
This wasn't long. It's hard to think about our own demise! I hope you live to a ripe old age like your daddy did.
comment by kristilyn3 on May 30, 2013 4:07 PM ()
I'd like to think that, and my hope is to make it so. I just would like for my life to have quality as long as I have the quantity.
reply by redwolftimes on May 30, 2013 6:10 PM ()

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