She gazed out the window
Watching the pouring rain
Wondering if she'd gone crazy
Or she was just insane.
She just stood there
With no place to go
There she was
Staring out the window.
Thoughts went through her head
About living and her life
She was a good person
And thought she'd been a good wife.
But she still held the letter
As a tear fell from her eye
Saying he was no longer in love
And this was goodbye.
What would she do now
Where would she go
There were a lot of things
She just didn't know.
She had been dependent on him
Way too long
And now he had left
She had to be strong.
Strong wasn't her spirit
For she was so meek
In fact her spirit and soul
Were very much weak.
But she told herself
She must move ahead
She needed to pick herself up
Try to get it through her head.
She looked out at the rainy day
A time for thinking and crying
And one thought she had
Damn him, damn him for dying.
(c)2008 T.LaFountain
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