I'm really upset over this whole mess with the Susan G. Komen Foundation and Planned Parenthood. テつAnd I am going to put the blame squarely where it belongs...on the ignorant Pro-Life people who filed a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood in New Hampshire, claiming the federal government offered them preferential treatment.
Planned Parenthood does so much more than fund abortions for low income women, which, by the way, saves these same taxpayers millions of dollars in welfare and Medicaid money for mothers with dependents.
It also provides birth control counseling to these same women and provides them with birth control pills as well as providing support for pre-natal and post-natal care to cut down on infant mortality rates.
The Komen Foundation cut its funding based on its policy of not funding any group under investigation. テつPersonally, I think the foundation made a mistake, given that the charges were trumped up to begin with as a way of protesting abortions. テつ
Right-to-Life's attorney Michael J. Tierney of Wadleigh, Starr & Peters, PLLC in Manchester, said his client wants to determine if the federal agency contacted health care providers in the six communities before awarding the no-bid contract.
NHRTL President Kurt Wuelper said: テ「竄ャナ典he people of New Hampshire have the right to know why the Obama administration gave Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest baby killer, a million taxpayer dollars while cutting funding for state hospitals and community clinics.
The administration has defied the will of the people by flooding New Hampshire with unwantedabortion moneyテつand has violated the public trust by covering up its communications with its abortion industry cronies. It's time for HHS to reveal what it is hiding and stop violating the Freedom of Information Act.テ「竄ャツ
Notice the emphasis is all on "unwanted abortion money."
At any rate, the Komen Foundation has reinstated its funding to Planned Parenthood, following a huge backlash from women around the nation.
Let's not forget the tremendous good the Komen Foundation has done in support of breast cancer patients and breast cancer research. テつFor those without insurance, the foundation has paid for their care.
Were it not for the amount of money the Foundation has poured into research, I probably would not be alive today.
Let's keep things in perspective and keep supporting this great group and all it does. テつ
Do not throw out the baby with the bath water just because the water got a little dirty.