CJ Bugster


CJ Bugster
Oklahoma City, OK
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My Wild Dreams

Parenting & Family > Fatherhood > Does He Know I Have a Gun?

Does He Know I Have a Gun?

Well, Bailey and I finally finished her project of coming up with ten different puzzles on her book by Agatha Christie.  It was a huge undertaking that took she and I both many hours.  She told me this weekend that some kids in her class haven't even begun yet. All I can say is that they are in a world of hurt. 
She worked just as hard as I did; in fact, once we got into it, she began to get the feel for the project.  She actually got quite creative and designed some puzzles from scratch that I probably would not have ever thought about.
Sunday, as we were finishing, she began telling me about this boy that she likes.  Evidently, their school is having something like a Sadie Hawkins Day when the girls can invite the boys out.  She wants to ask this particular boy to go to the movies with her; but she is afraid her dad will not let her.
She said, "Everytime I ask Dad if I can do something involving someone of the opposite sex,  he starts in with, 'Who is this kid?  Does he know I have a gun?'"
"So," she said, "I'll talk to Mom about it and let her soften up Dad before I mention it to him.  Mom knows how to handle Dad.  I don't!"
Holly says that Bailey is too much like her dad, which is the reason they clash so often.  Kenzie, on the other hand,  looks up and him with those big brown eyes and says,  "DaDa" and his heart just melts.  She will work him all her life.  She already has him figured out.


posted on Feb 7, 2012 9:46 AM ()


I was my Dad's charmer until I hit 7. After that he was ballistic over any evidence of emerging womanhood and I went in the toilet. I have felt that loss of an indulgent father all of my life and it was partly responsible for my marrying an older man. Ed, though he is 8 years younger than I am, has the authority markers that continue that scenario.
comment by tealstar on Feb 9, 2012 4:58 AM ()
I think Bevan is too hard on Bailey; but, as the grandmother, I have to keep my mouth shut, which isn't always easy.
reply by redimpala on Feb 17, 2012 8:31 PM ()
The oldest child has to break all the trails. Adrienne and I often commiserate over this because I was too and I feel her pain.
comment by elderjane on Feb 8, 2012 3:24 PM ()
Despite being almost two years younger than my sis, I was by far the most adventurous and got into all kinds of things. She glued herself to (in those days) the radio or books and was always in awe of my deeds (including picking up a sailor -- Chicago was full of them in 1944 -- at a precocious 14 -- it was pretty tame, though).
reply by tealstar on Feb 18, 2012 3:29 AM ()
I told Bailey that. Kenna always complained that Holly got to do everything sooner than she did. Since I was also the oldest in my family, I fully understand as well what Bailey is going through.
reply by redimpala on Feb 8, 2012 5:41 PM ()
A++ to Bailey and you!
Keep us posted on Bailey's Sadie Hawkins date prospects with her Dad. I have to chuckle, because my Dad and I were the best of pals, and my older brothers tell me I could get away with anything because Dad was a goner as soon as I showed up.
comment by marta on Feb 8, 2012 5:43 AM ()
As soon as I know, you'll be the first.
reply by redimpala on Feb 8, 2012 5:42 PM ()
Duh! You women have us all figured out from the day you reach puberty if not before!!!
comment by greatmartin on Feb 7, 2012 1:52 PM ()
Well, some of us...not all!
reply by redimpala on Feb 7, 2012 2:54 PM ()
comment by kristilyn3 on Feb 7, 2012 12:20 PM ()

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