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My Wild Dreams

Entertainment > 'Mob Wives' Deals with Fractured Family, Marriages

'Mob Wives' Deals with Fractured Family, Marriages

'Mob Wives' has become a huge hit on VHI for star Renee Graziano (and her sister Jennifer, who is the producer), but the show hasn't come without costs, including the fact the her father, incarcerated former Bonanno family consigliere Anthony Graziano, no longer talks to his daughter.

"My father is not speaking to me right now because of the show. He has his own views, I respect him," she says. "He's my father, I'm his daughter, nothing will ever stand in the way of that. He respects me I respect him but they understand they have to let me grow otherwise I'm going to have an ignorant mentality and never really have my own identity."
Graziano may have been in the dark about her father's alleged Mafia connections -- according to prosecutors, he was for years the consigliere of New York's Bonanno crime family and is currently in prison.

"For me, growing up was very much like the movies and I'm not saying that I'm proud of that lifestyle, that was just my parents," Renee tells me before making clear that as far as she is concerned her father has never done anything wrong. "I think I was in my mid-20's when I thought something wasn't right. Most parents work 9-5, my dad worked 5-9."

Feisty 'Mob Wives' standout Drita D'avanzo had a very different experience after marrying into what she refers to as "this lifestyle."

"I was disowned for it because my father was not having it," Drita tells me. "You never know what you're signing up for. When you're young and in love, you don't really look at the bigger picture and then when you have children, you don't think like that. But it's a roller coaster of a marriage and it's fu**ed up."
The ladies tell me organized crime is much bigger than anyone thinks and that in fact we all know somebody who is involved, including many celebrities.

"Yeah, I grew up around James Caan and Steven Seagal, so for me I got to hang out with a couple cool people," Drita confesses.

So how close to reality was the 'Sopranos'? "Put it this way ... so many people I know were like identical to that person on the show," Drita tells me. Renee chose not to watch it, "because I lived it."

'Mob Wives' concludes its first season June 26.


posted on June 18, 2011 9:07 AM ()


In Chicago, lived my teen years with mob wannabes -- low level but don't think their lives socially (except maybe for the money) were any different. Was fascinated by early Sopranos episodes, then it got too dark. "The Godfather" was a fairy tale but I enjoyed it. For reality, read "The Valachi Papers". Haven't seen nor even heard of till now, "Mob Wives". If I think of it, I'll tune in once anyway, but more likely, I'll just forget to.
comment by tealstar on July 22, 2011 6:16 AM ()
I have never watched this and can't say it is on the list of shows I want to see. I watched the Sopranos after it went to reruns. For a while, it was riveting, but soon lost its appeal, I think mostly because of the comments others made. How could they glorify murderers and thieves?
comment by dragonflyby on June 19, 2011 7:37 PM ()
I am speechless.
comment by elderjane on June 19, 2011 8:58 AM ()
I guess a person can make a reality show about just about anything these days if he has the guts to do it.
reply by redimpala on June 19, 2011 12:13 PM ()
You posted an article about a show you've never watched?! That's like me writing about the thrills of parachute jumping.
comment by solitaire on June 19, 2011 6:04 AM ()
I try to post about things that I think have universal appeal. For some reason people are fascinated with anything to do with the mob and their families. Think of the phenomenal success of The Godfather.
reply by redimpala on June 19, 2011 7:14 AM ()
I watched a few of the episodes and decided the drama is too manufactured for me - women picking fights with each other and baiting their ex-husbands to make something interesting for the show.
comment by troutbend on June 18, 2011 7:27 PM ()
I've not watched it. I understand it has been getting great ratings, though. I never watched The Sopranos either. Mob life is not my thing.
reply by redimpala on June 18, 2011 9:22 PM ()
Shouldn't this be under the 'royalty' moniker?????
comment by greatmartin on June 18, 2011 3:22 PM ()
Some would probably think so!!
reply by redimpala on June 18, 2011 9:21 PM ()
its a typical train wreck reality show... can't look away even tho u know u should!
comment by kristilyn3 on June 18, 2011 3:14 PM ()
I have actually watched this...
comment by kristilyn3 on June 18, 2011 12:43 PM ()
So, what did you think? I have never watched it.
reply by redimpala on June 18, 2011 1:48 PM ()
Interesting post there.
comment by fredo on June 18, 2011 9:27 AM ()
Thanks, Fredo. I have never actually watched the show. I guess I'll have to check it out.
reply by redimpala on June 18, 2011 1:48 PM ()

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