I thought this was gonna be one of the best weeks I've ever had in my life. I did well on my Physics exam; I won a regional English speech contest; also my team won 1st place in the regional quiz competition; and I was gonna use the prize money to buy a new cell phone; and next week I'm going to start playing tennis again. Believe me, I was gonna write a long i'm-so-smart post about how I defeated the last year's quiz champion with a 900-point margin.
But all the good news seem to mean nothing just about an hour ago. I received a phone call from my aunt back home telling me that my Grandpa has been sick for a while, and he is not getting better. My family didn't wanna tell this earlier because they knew I was busy with the competition and they didn't want to bother me.
I needed a long moment to digest every word she said. It didn't sound like it was MY grandpa she was talking about. She said he's been staying in bed the whole week, he couldn't walk, and he couldn't even talk to me on the phone. His blood pressure is extremely high that it affects his body balance.
I've known for a long time he suffers from primary hypertension-he's on sodium diet and I used to tease him a lot about it. But I didn't know it was gonna go this far. My grandpa is a strong man. He is one of the most influential person in my life. He's my "Papa".
I lived with him since I was a little baby. When I was a little kid and I was in kindergarten my teacher asked me who my father was, I pointed at my grandpa and I proudly said "He's my father!". The other kids used to laugh at me because my "dad is too old". I didn't care, though I looked a little embarassed.
The next day while he walked me to school, and while putting my lunchbox into my backpack and making sure we didn't forget to bring anything, he stopped at the corner of the road near my school and say "You sure you want me to come with you? I'm old, ya know." I remember saying "No! You're not old!" and I made him laugh.
You see, my grandpa is like a father to me. He was the one who taught me to play tennis, who let me hold his racket (It felt so heavy at the time!) and every afternoon he'd take me to the tennis court and I would sit by the bench and watch him play. He also taught me how to play chess, and on every Sunday we'd go to the market together. I was four years old, and he, along with my grandma, were the reasons why I didn't care my parents weren't around.
He's a strong person, physically and mentally. He is the person with the stongest conviction I've ever known-He retired early from his job as a parliament member because he was "done with all the political crap served on (his) table everyday". He celebrated his 73rd birthday last month. He's a tennis player and he practices a very healthy lifestyle. That's why it was so hard for me to learn how bad his condition has turn out in the last week. I mean wtf-I couldn't even talk to him on the phone???
I really wanna go home right now. I don't know how to put this any other way but I feel really down. My aunt told me to pray for him, and she sounded sad. I just hope nothing any worse is gonna happen. Meanwhile, I'm going to try to distract myself from the bad news-maybe play Grand Theft Auto and make CJ shoot everyone he comes across.