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Arts & Culture > A Wish Upon a Star

A Wish Upon a Star

Something's wrong with me lately.
Too many things go out of control. Too many surprises. Too many changes happen in the last minutes. And they range from small stuff to life-altering ones.

So yesterday I was planning on having french fries and steak for dinner. You know that feeling when all you can think of is the taste of chicken steak and that moment you decide you're gonna get you some tonight?

After school, about 5 in the afternoon, I got home and take a shower. And then I went out to the restaurant to fulfill the appetite. On the way, the image of me having a tasty steak kept projecting in my head.

But when I got there, the restaurant was 'closed for rennovation'. HAARGH. I went to another place, but the food tasted different. Not the same steak and fries I had imagined.

That's ironic, because on the same day I had already faced a tougher change.

I had been preparing myself for this year's biology olympiad for four months. And the olympiad will be tomorrow. When I checked the list of participants, my name wasn't on it. So I went to the principal and asked him what's wrong. It turned out that he mistakenly listed me on the astronomy olympiad team.

BIOLOGY is a study of life. Plants. Animals. Human. Protozoa. Bacteria. And their surroundings.
ASTRONOMY studies anything but that. ANYTHING. Stars. Galaxies. Planets. Even the damn cosmic cloud hundreds of light years away from here.

And with only 3 weeks to prepare, I am wishing the stars and the skies and the galaxies and the planets and even pluto who last i heard is not a planet anymore to give me a clue of what they are exactly. Or more like, how do I start.

Something's wrong with me lately.
I want to be a surgeon. And you bet your booty a.s.s.es surgeons don't care if they can't name all the constellation s in the andromeda galaxy-or count their revolution period.

You know, maybe I will be a different kind of surgeon.
See? Something IS wrong with me.

posted on Mar 12, 2008 7:36 AM ()


But that cosmic stuff is so cool, as you see on anacoanas site. Even surgeons must look at the sky and say "so what is that all about?". Good luck on it however it goesPS We get a lot of steak and fries here - sometimes I get a craving for pecel lele or guduk (sp?) OR in Bandung, Ikan Mas!
comment by baseeker on Mar 14, 2008 1:02 AM ()
Can't the principal correct his mistake and put you in the competition you had been studying for?
comment by hopefields on Mar 13, 2008 1:43 AM ()
Sorry about your misfortune.There is this comedian(Ron White)who sums it all up.."You can't fix stupid". This is why life will never be a straight road, curves, potholes, and yes the famous dip that keeps us on our toesBut as long as you keep your eyes straight ahead and the passion for what you desire anything is possible..good luck
comment by redwolftimes on Mar 12, 2008 5:32 PM ()
I found the place to add you. done!
comment by anacoana on Mar 12, 2008 12:24 PM ()
Check out some of the links I go to on my posts it might help. Universe Today.com has all the new info. Good luck.
As to the changes fast and weird, same here. Energies are moving through, I have to keep reminding myself "It's all for my highest good" I hope.
comment by anacoana on Mar 12, 2008 12:17 PM ()
Oh, that's not fair at all! Good luck anyway...
comment by mellowdee on Mar 12, 2008 8:55 AM ()
The principal couldn't switch you over to the biology olympiad??? What a bummer.
comment by looserobes on Mar 12, 2008 8:43 AM ()

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