Rara Rizal


Rara Rizal
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Education > Special Education > A Valuable Lesson.

A Valuable Lesson.

I'm not referring to indefinite integral in Math or the Brownsted-Lowry theory in Chemistry or Mendel's law of segregation (Relax, even I don't know what I'm talking about!).

I'm referring to things that you get outside the classroom.

Things that -excuse me, scientists- really matter in our everyday lives.

I like to mark my life period by things I've learned, or interesting experience that give me new perspective and understanding in life.

And here's my recent discovery.

Not long ago my Grandpa was diagnosed cancer and that basically, there's little chance in survival.

For those who didn't know, I lived with him since I was an 8 month old baby. My world practically revolves around my grandparents. Saying that my Grandpa means a lot to me would be and understatement.

Anyways, at first I decided to avoid him-I know, how stupid could I have been? My uncles and aunts and cousins were all mad at me (they probably still are).

But I have my own reasons.
I tried to stay away from him because I didn't want to ruin my image of him-my strong, cheerful, very healthy Grandpa whom I play tennis every afternoon with.

Did I say how stupid I had been?

But then I started missing him. I was starting to miss those times when we talk about the history of Constantinople and the Ottoman Empire. Starting to miss those times when we talk about Tsar and Lenin and Stalin. Starting to miss talking about Rafael Nadal or how Billy Jean King defeated Bobby Riggs.

That's when I realized that no, it doesn't matter. I will always have those memories in my heart and will always cherish them.

I love him and he'll always be my strong, cheerful very healthy Grandpa whom I play tennis afternoon with.

I recently turned 17, which is generally a very huge turning point in most people's life, but this-this lesson that I've learned about memories and perspectives, this is a huge revelation.

The lightbulb pops.

I've seen the light!

posted on Oct 13, 2008 5:50 AM ()


Rara, you love your grandpa with all your heart. I understand your wishing to remember him in full health. How does he feel about it? Is he missing you? As I said, I do understand, but then thinking about it from his point of view... I don't know. Of course, it is your decision. I didn't see my mom in her final days. I regret it... But, then again, it wasn't my choice as it is yours. Take care of yourself... and your heart.
comment by sunlight on Nov 20, 2008 10:20 PM ()
Really sorry to hear about this, Rara/ Thanks for sharing it. Sorry also I have not been over here for a while - did not know you were back on. Yes it is better to be with him if you can. I was with my father when he died of cancer and it was an experience I will never forget. When he died I was holding his hand at his bedside. He put down my hand like he was leaving, stopped moaning, and looked with great interest at something near the ceiling, something I could not see. Then he stopped breathing. I was not religious at the time, and it gave me a lot to think about. But I was very glad that I could have been there and I think he appreciated it. You may not see this for a while. But I wish God's blessing and comfort for you, and may you have the comfort of many friends. JP
comment by baseeker on Nov 16, 2008 10:16 PM ()
I am sorry to hear about your grandpa...
I am glad you are learning along the way though!
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 13, 2008 9:14 AM ()

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