Beautiful prose. At 87, I have lots of remembering to do. Must hurry up and get it started, or I won't have time. Enjoy your "young" life. Each period of mine was very special and after a "few" downs, I will remember the rest. Love you.
Glad you are enjoying our USA. Come on over to Texas. If you are in Houston, give me a call.
Loved the picture. Here in Texas, we would call it a pond.
Congrats also!!!
Wish I knew a magic word that could cure your problems. But just one day at a time. If you are still in Texas - Where?
I meant "expecting".
What a cutie!!! I am now enjoying my ggkids. The littest angel is 14 months, busy as a beaver, and so sweet. He favor his Dad (who is Samoan). Has a beautiful mouth and eyes that slant a bit. They are a wonderful green. It is so wonderful to be able to see my 4th generation grow. They are exoectubg what I hope is a little sister in January. Poor mommy will be so busy with two little ones under 2. I went through tht with my last two. 21 months apart.
How about my son's proctologist - Dr. Butts?
Maybe, if you would add a piece of my jewelry on each picture, we could both sell. Lucy Annie Hopkins , and Belle Starr Reed
Come on down to the South, for our great winters.
Come on!!!! You are a young beautiful person and will find many loves before you are my age.(87) Ha!! I had a broken heart before 14 and decided to NEVER let anyone do that to me again. What's funny, is that 65 years later one who I thought did IT, was back in my life again. Came 'courting' after my dear husband of 61 years died.
Hand in there. Nena h
I have been "dreaming" of coming out your way for a week or so. Would enjoy staying with you and sitting on my bench. But alas, I have no one to leave my sister with, and she cannot stay alone all those hours. Anyway, I can dream. Nena
Bad times make us stronger to face the next patch of "baddies". You are smart to learn young.
What a beautiful shawl!! You are an artist with your knitting needles.
I HAVE THIS ON MY BULLETIN BOARD AND CAN read it as I type. Love it.