He sounds wonderful - like my Dad. But my idea of a red-neck is very different. We call them red-dog Democrats here in the eastern part of Texas.
I don't like big dogs un-leashed. They can be a bit pushy. My son's dog, that I love and he loves me, jumped up on me from the back and I nearly took a tumble. Did a dance to keep from it happening. But I still love dogs. nenah
Great!!! Wonder how she cooked the "chicken"?
May God hold your little one in his hand. Will say a prayer for her.
Wonderful post. We should read it often.
What a wonderful post. That was the life of my sons. But they had to come in for lunch also. I tried to keep up with them and thought I did a pretty good job. I didn't smoke or drink in those days, so I had healthy babies. But dad choked us all with second hand smoke. He applogized a lot after he quit smokinng.
It had grown a bit by then. It was a wonderful town in my day - kids could go almost anywhere. We would go to the railroad yard and climb under the slow moving cars. My Mother and Father would have killed me had they know it. Ha!!!
What great pics of the bear. Did you take them?
Enjoy your posts. Hope you are not teaching my little Isha - he is in pre-K. He told his teacher the first day, that she had beautiful eyes, nose and "his word for breasts". She ask his mother what he said - but my smart granddaughter didn't know. Ha!!!
I ask her what sort of a son she was rearing? He is a cute little doll - likes to dance in his sister's tu-tu's.
Hope your dear friend has a peaceful "crossing" .
Stop now!!!! Get that cuppa!!! I could not function well without my coffee - or do you drink tea? Anyway, have a good day.
I guess that the wild fires didn't come to you. Thank goodness. I don't want my bench to burn. Love, Nenah
I might get frustrated and walk out on it all, except my computer and dogs. Here's a prayer for God to just blow the thing out. Love you. Nenah
My older son had an imaginary friend also. I set place for him at the table and we "all" acknowledged him. He was an early talker also and was the one who told all the family secrets to the neighbors. One told me they loved to have him visit!!!
I.' impressed. I would 't have the patience to do it.
If they don't ASK, don't TELL. I have a granddaughter with bi-polar that went thru college okay and then married an older man, wonderful for her, that keeps her on an even keel. Don't know how he does it, but they are happy and have been married for about 7 or 8 years.
They have lived in Germany and are now in Amsterdam. They have two wonderful children and she does editing for books written by people getting their PHD and write in other languages, needing books to be translated and edited in English. She can translate from German into English. Loves her job and does it when the kids are asleep.
Hang in there and take advantage of the law written for you.