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Life & Events > Update


Time for a little update again after experiencing a great holiday last month.
School started here again on august 28 but I was at work already the 21st. Lot of things were changed.... In a new room now with 4 people. I preferred my comfortable room with only 2, cause I lost a little privacy now but I can handle it.
New rules for examination made the start busy from the beginning. The government will start with central examining for Dutch and math's in a few years so pilot programs will be running and a lot of organization will be needed. A new challenge to deal with but also a bit more stress as well.
At home all kids also are back from their holidays. Two of them borrowed my car for its cheaper here to drive on diesel then on gas. The eldest went to Spain (about 1000 miles) and the youngest left for Italy (also about 1000 miles). I didn't need my car those weeks so ...why not borrowing it. I drove in their cars for the time I was at home ( not very comfortable lol).

At home again we also got a message from a dear friend ( one of my dining club friends) that there will be no possibility to get her cured from cancer anymore. So the chemo stoppped and will get out of her body. She feels better cause of that but also is aware of the near future.
She asked us to visit her to say a final goodbye. I must admit that is something not easy to do. Afterwards we both agreed that the visit was easier as expected. She was in good condition and actually feeling better every day a bit. When we left her she said see you soon again and with that feeling we left her house. That was 2 weeks ago and yesterday she called to invite us to celebrate her 44th birthday on October 11th.

Although we live close to "the Jordaan", an Amsterdam neighborhood, we never had visited it. Yesterday we made a walking tour with guide in that area...very special I must admit. I heard things I never knew before and when you ever visit Amsterdam....

posted on Sept 20, 2010 7:50 AM ()


Enjoy your posts. Hope you are not teaching my little Isha - he is in pre-K. He told his teacher the first day, that she had beautiful eyes, nose and "his word for breasts". She ask his mother what he said - but my smart granddaughter didn't know. Ha!!!

I ask her what sort of a son she was rearing? He is a cute little doll - likes to dance in his sister's tu-tu's.

Hope your dear friend has a peaceful "crossing" .
comment by nenah on Sept 21, 2010 6:50 AM ()
I enjoy your posts. It was fun to see the USA through your eyes, and even though you had to go back to work, I'll bet it was good to get home.
comment by troutbend on Sept 20, 2010 1:59 PM ()
Really enjoyed the USA...3 years ago we "did' California and so... also great!
reply by itsjustme on Sept 21, 2010 1:14 AM ()
Okay the font size is good here!
At least you got to say goodbye--hopefully she will make her birthday!
comment by greatmartin on Sept 20, 2010 10:49 AM ()
used the same copy so same font as well.....We indeed hope she will make her birthday. Its weird, she never celebrated her birthday just this year she does..... I can understand it btw....
reply by itsjustme on Sept 21, 2010 1:16 AM ()
I am so sorry to hear about your friend. It sounds like she made the best decision for herself. Sometimes it is better to enjoy life rather than to prolong it while feeling horrible.
I didn't realize that European countries were also looking at standardized testing.
You have me very intrigued with your last sentence. I can't help but wanter what you heard or learned about.
comment by lunarhunk on Sept 20, 2010 8:57 AM ()
Also visit: https://www.aviewoncities.com/amsterdam/jordaan.htm
reply by itsjustme on Sept 21, 2010 1:25 AM ()
Heard about the fact all houses are build on wooden piles... I knew that but not the way builders mislead people in using smaller ones then needed and so...also heard a lot about all kind of fights in history, cause the Jordaan was seen as the area where poor people lived...
All canals were removed cause it were public sewers and were not quite hygientic. check https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jordaan
reply by itsjustme on Sept 21, 2010 1:22 AM ()

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