The start of the new schoolyear runs quite smoothly for the students, for me its a lot of planning cause I need to make a schedule for exams and the second chances on them ( don't know the name in English so hope you understand what I mean) for the whole year. With 30 courses to do that's a hell of o job but I just finished the last one so I will mail it later today to the schedulemaker who will check classrooms and add teachers to supervise when the exam needs to be made.
Another point is an audit I will expect the coming months, so I need to have my files updated very well.
But enough about the job ( I still like it so although very busy I won't complain much lol).
The family is doing well, except my father in law. I feel a bit worried about him case he loses weight a lot lately and won't eat much anymore. His condition is going down and I don't think he well make it very long anymore. Next week is his birthday and he will become 88 so it is quite a nice age. His mental condition is going down as well (Alzheimer). He asks the same thing over and over again every time we visit him. For himself life isn't that nice anymore as well, he told me last week. I can understand that cause there is not much to enjoy anymore right now. He sits all day, watches a bit TV and that's it.
Theatre season is started again and we already visited 2 great shows.
First we saw a great magician show of Hans Klok, an illusionist from my hometown who also stood on the strip in Vegas in 2007. Then Pamela Anderson was his assistant btw lol. Not that anything had happened between the two of them cause Hans is as gay as can be.
The show was a combination of people disappearing and coming back and some great acrobatic acts from famous circuses throughout the world.
Last week we visited the theatre for a kind of one-man show (with 2 people). full of humor i must admit, cause i laughed so much that even my eyes were soaked wet of laughing.
At home the situation is quite relaxed. My eldest son enjoys the life in his own house, the other kids are doing fine and its still a great fun to see our cats playing around. The little kitten ( Luna) has grown up and specially likes the life outside.... We need to check for a sterilization in time lol.

Next year will be our 30 year anniversary and we will celebrate that with the whole family in Turkey we promised tour kids. I must admit that the costs of it are a bit more than expected, but... promised is promised so May 2012 we will leave for Alanya in turkey with all of the family (including the girlfriends)
Personally i am doing fine as well. Although I had to break up end May with L (wasnt an easy decision but i wrote about that before) I still can't get him out of my mind and have my daily thoughts.
Feelings are the most difficult things in life and those feelings hurt now and then. Its something that makes us stronger they sometimes say, but it gives hard moments too now and then. I only can hope he will get what he deserves, so my decision was a good one for him after all.
Just for Martin the dining things:
This week here we have restaurant week. That means you can eat a 3 course meal in all (even the most expensive) restaurant for just € 27,50 ( about 33 dollar). So next wednesday we will visit an exquise restaurant in my hometown.
Last saturday we ate with friends in a great restaurant as well. In short: After an "amuse" I started with 2 little pieces of cod on a bed of salad, then I had salmon also on a ( different) bed of salad, after that an escalope of a calf on a bed of couscous ( very very tastful i must say) and as a desert a stoved pear with cinnamon ice. Off course finally a cup of coffee.