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Just Me

Cities & Towns > Inventions #2

Inventions #2

Did a bit of research for all you "kids", but lost the paper it was written on. So I will have to depend on old 87+ memory.

For those of you who were born after 1950 - Guess the most important inventions was Tape - all the kinds you take for granted: Paper, invisible, medical, and painters tape. What would you do without it? If bandaging a sore, you would use a safety pin to hold it all on. Don't know what we did to tie up a birthday gift. All types of spray cans also.

Also: electric razors, curlers, TV's, most electric appliances, etc. I got my first computer, an IT in about 1960 something. It had cartridges that you put in it to do special programs. That hooked me and I am now on my 9th or 10th. Love to buy a new one that can keep my mind active.

Our cars didn't have heaters or a/c's until about 1952ist. Only heaters then. I remember the first that had the heater under the front seat - warming both back and front. That was a special car for me. (I have always liked cars and now would like to buy a new one, if it wouldn't be toooo ridiculous. I only have about 14000 miles on the 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee that I drive. Anyone want to be heir to it someday?)

We got our first room airconditioner in about 1959. My dentist came out and installed it for us. How about that?

Enough about all the things that we just take forgranted now. Back in the old days, we didn't have TV either. We got ours first in 1952 and could only get about 3 stations. The programs were all GTV in those days. My sons would aske what stations I listened to when I was a kid. They couldn't believe we didn't have any then.

My life from abnout 1926 until I was in fourth grade were the years I remember with the most longing. We lived in a huge old home next to the elementary school. Had a huge yard - enough for chickens and goats. The house had two rooms up the stairs that were our play rooms. I would creep out onto the roof that went around part of the house and look at the squirrels. Wouldn't let my little sister, as she might fall. Ha!! Mother would have been mad had she caught me out there. We had a pet billy goat that played with us. He would stay in the doll buggie as long as you kept his eyes covered. We dressed him like a doll.

After first grade and the "big" depressions, we moved to Galveston, Texas. I cried all the way from Cleburne to Galveston - about 300 plus miles. Bobbie (sis) got mad at me and said people would think someone died. We had her bird, a canary named Brownie in the back seat with us. That was our only pet. I had to give my banty rooseter away when we moved as we lived in apartments for a while.

My best rememberances of the depressions was wearing shoes with holes in the bottom. Our Mom cut out pasteboard and made insoles for us. (maybe that is why I now have about 35 pairs of shoes). If something was one cent cheaper at a store withing walking distance, it was my job to go and buy for us. MY dad had only one summer suit - yes men dressed very formally in those days. My mother would wash his white linen suit each night have have it ready for him the next day. He sold insurance for American National INsurance company, which was located in Galveston in those days. We lived within walking distance of the beach and had lots of wonderful memories.

The best was Saturday night. Dad got paid then and we would go up to the ice cream store on the beach that sold 3 scoups for a nickle. That was our weekly treat.

We had friends from Cleburne that also moved down. Also my third grade teacher had married a man and lived in Galveston also. All of us got to be very good friends and our friendship lasted for probably 40 years. I had a call from one of the boys after my husband died.

Have I bored enough for one day? I could go on for pages about the depressions, but will save some for a later day.

Love y'all.

posted on Sept 22, 2010 7:27 AM ()


My sister and I had kittens that we dressed up and carted around. We only got l doll for Christmas and they never lasted for a year. It was
a banner year when we got air conditioning for cars. Remember how our
hair got blown to pieces when we went anywhere in the car?
comment by elderjane on Oct 11, 2010 7:22 AM ()
I like reading about the past from people who remember it. Do write more! It's my theory that people who recall their memories so well had happy lives and were very aware of the world.
comment by drmaus on Sept 29, 2010 9:59 AM ()
It had grown a bit by then. It was a wonderful town in my day - kids could go almost anywhere. We would go to the railroad yard and climb under the slow moving cars. My Mother and Father would have killed me had they know it. Ha!!!
comment by nenah on Sept 24, 2010 7:57 AM ()
I love it... What great memories! I can't fathom life without tape to be honest... I guess we do take it for granted! That is sad about having to move... I can't imagine leaving behind all your pets! Too cool that you have a Jeep Cherokee. Those are nice cars! I am sure you have kids or grandkids that would LOoooove it!
Your poor mom... laundry every night! How many kids in your family?
How old were you when you moved out of your parents house? What year was it?
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 22, 2010 10:53 AM ()
There is only two of us - little sis, Bobbie and me. I moved away in 1944, but went back home to Palestine, Texas to work later that year and stayed until dear husband came "marching" home.
reply by nenah on Sept 24, 2010 7:55 AM ()
Our first car was a used, 1951, grey Dodge. I think it was about 1958/59 that we acquired our first TV. There certainly wasn't much worth watching back then.
comment by nittineedles on Sept 22, 2010 10:01 AM ()
That's funny about the billy goat in the doll carriage. The manufacturing company I worked for had a fiberglass insulation plant in Cleburne and I visited there in 1997.
comment by troutbend on Sept 22, 2010 8:00 AM ()

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