Whether it will reach my house depends on whether the wind comes up, and what direction it blows. I'll know by maybe noon tomorrow how things are progressing and can figure out whether I'll have to leave home. This afternoon I loaded my business files and family photos in the back of the truck. I haven't given a lot of thought to trying to save furniture or collectibles; I'm sure I'd miss my things, but it would be hard to decide what needed to be saved.
I keep walking by my new carpet cleaner and right next to it is my floor scrubber and favorite vacuum cleaner. Silly as it sounds, I might end up having to leave my flat screen TV because it's too heavy for me to carry by myself, but I'd load up my floor care appliances because what the heck, they're easier to move and I like them.
Maybe this is just speculation, and the fire will be brought under control before it threatens here.
Not a perfect photo of the smoke, but it gives you an idea.