Did you put on a uniform and march off to Germany or some other European country and fight in the trenches mid the mud and mire and blood of your fellow soldiers?
Did you put on a uniform and head over to the Pacific Ocean to some small island just big enough for a runway so your plane could land?
Did you put on a uniform and go to a place called Korea and participate in something they called a 'conflict' but we know it was a war?
Did you put on a uniform and go to a place called Viet Nam and spend time away from those you love only to be spat on and jeered at and called vile names when you once again arrived at an airport in the place you call home?
Did you put on a uniform and head over to a place where there is an abundance of sand and strange people who hate you and the very country you represent?
Did you put on a uniform and sit behind a desk or work on a building or learn a trade while there were no wars happening around you? You were ready to go when and if you were needed.
If you did...you are my hero and I want to say thank you. You are a Veteran of the United States Armed Forces and are the reason I can sit here and communicate without fear.
Thank you, Veterans. Men, Women, (yes even Dogs and Horses) who were not ashamed to wear the uniform and protect me and my children and my grandchildren and all those who are yet to come. We can never repay you.
"What did you do in the war, Daddy?" the little girl asked innocently.
"Baby Doll, I just put some bandaids on some guys and sent them home to their little girls so they could hug them again," he answered as a tear ran down the weathered cheek.
It took many years, but now I understand. Thanks Daddy for coming home. Your little girl was just a glimmer in your eye and wouldn't come along for several years. Thanks for making sure other little girls got their Daddy back.
In memory of my Daddy. U.S. Army (Medic)
In honor of my husband. U.S. Air Force
In honor of my two brothers. U.S. Marines
Mz Scarlett...feeling quite thankful and humble on this eve of Veteran's Day.