Oh I wanted to slap some sense into her pointed head! Not vote??? Not take advantage of what our forefathers and foremothers fought for? Sit by the sidelines and let others play the game?
I got an e-mail outlining what the women went through when they first tried to vote. Let's just say it wasn't a tea party and things did indeed get ugly. They were beaten, jailed, had horrific acts forced on them just because they wanted to vote.
I have voted in every election since I turned 18. I can still remember how proud I was to cast my ballot. (No Grumpy, it was NOT for Teddy Roosevelt!) I recognized that feeling as "American Pride".
I voted last Wednesday. I have to work tomorrow from 7A - 7P when the polls are open. I opted to do the "early voting" allowed in the wonderful state of Georgia. On a Wednesday afternoon there were about 20 people who had the same idea.
It doesn't matter to you for whom I cast my ballot. That is between me and the machine. Even my husband doesn't ask me who got my vote. He probably has figured it out, but has the courtesy to allow me the freedom of the secret ballot.
What matters is that I did vote. I have a voice!
If Obama is elected, he will be my president.
If McCain is elected, he will be my president.
I am an American and will support the office of the President of the United States of America.
My Mother voted Republican every election. My Daddy voted Democrat every election. They never asked how I voted. They taught me to think for myself and make decisons on my own. I thanked them for that and always tried to avoid conversations that involved politics while in their home. Mom was born and raised a Methodist. Daddy was born and raised a Baptist. Lord knows I came from a truly mixed marriage!
From this unique union came a woman with a mind of her own, a woman who makes her own decisions, a woman who loves her country. I guess Mr. and Mrs. Parker did all right. I just hope they were not watching from up above as I cast my ballot! One of them would be pretty disappointed! One of them would laugh loudly.
Mz Scarlet...all RED White & Blue.