When Hubby is off on Saturday and we have nothing planned we enjoy what we call "no alarm Saturday". Just the four of us (Hubby, me and two spoiled chihuahuas) enjoying waking up when sleep is finished...not because of an alarm!
This started out to be a lazy day and continued till Hubby suggested we go pick up a "few things". OK...I'll make a list. Started out with laundry needs and ended with Blue Bell ice cream (any flavor!).
Off we go to Wal*Mart to join the throngs. As we drove with slack jaws and a little drool slipping out the corner and eyes fixed on the big blue sign I could feel my IQ drop 30 points. (No offense meant to Mary!) I just could not do it. Not on a Saturday when moms are shopping for school supplies and kids are running amok and my nerves would stand on end and quivver like a crack dealer with the police at the door.
Just a few more miles and we could be at Publix, I hinted to Hubby. Just a few more miles and we could get Boar's Head sandwich meat and sharp chedder cheese! Just a few more miles and we could be away from the tax free weekend frenzy.
Yep...we made the right choice! I love Publix stores and the quality of the products available.
As we pulled the car into the garage Hubby had another wonderful thought. We quickly put the groceries away and grabbed the dogs. Tossed them in the Beetle, dropped the top and headed for the Chickamauga Battlefield. It is a full moon and the deer will be out in droves (or herds or whatever you want to call them!).
What a wonderful way to end "no alarm Saturday".
A good time was had by all...humans and dogs alike.
Hope your day was just as peaceful and wonderful.
Mz Scarlett...feeling pretty good 'bout now.