I'm not a big Raiders fan. In fact, I'm not much into professional any kind of ball. They make too much money and I work hard as a nurse and will never see that kind of money but that is another gripe for another blog. (Ha! That was one big 'run-on' sentence for my old high school English teacher!)
However, I happened to be sitting on one end of the sofa with the recliner part extended and was deep into the latest Robin Cook medical mystery book while Hubby was watching the NFL thing. I caught myself absorbed in the speach by Ron Woodson, defensive back for the Raiders.
Wow! What a class act!! What a story he told.
I'll catch up on my reading later. I was really glad to have heard this man's speach and see there are still some 'real' people in pro sports. Men who love their families and have lived a normal life in an abnormal situation.
Hope this man is around for many years to come to be an inspiration to other people.

Mz Scarlett...a delicate Southern Flower who does enjoy a good game of football (in the stands, not on the field!) Still love those Georgia Dawgs!