Thanksgiving now is only a memory of too much food, too little time with family and broken diet promises.
Now it is off to the race toward CHRISTMAS!
I missed the traditional 'black Friday' shopping because I had to work that day. In a way, I'm glad. I love the hustle and bustle of shopping malls and people looking for that perfect gift at a bargin price! I don't like the rude attitudes, stressed moms yelling at their children or poor husbands who look like they had rather have fish hooks in their eyes than to be shopping with their wives.
Only if Mel Gibson was handing out candy canes and real kisses would I claw my way into a store and run amok to be there first!
Thanksgiving was spent at Baby Brother's house this year. This is the second time we've all decended upon him and his saintly wife to eat and watch TV and spend wonderful family time together. Before was at Daddy's house. Times do change and we march on and make new traditions. Life is like that.
Christmas is my very favorite holiday. I love the lights, the cards, the excitement in the air as children look with wonder at Santa's jolly face. There is absolutely nothing about this holiday that I do not like...except egg nog.
OK, there. I've said it. I don't like egg nog. Hubby could drink a quart at one sitting. EWwwwwww! The smell alone causes unearthly sounds to erupt from my inner gut. I guess it's one of those things you have to aquire a taste for and I have missed that opportunity.
Now...let's all get geared up, put a smile on your face and a song in your heart! Christmas is just around the corner and headed toward us with lightening speed!
Mz Scarlett...Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, etc.
I am putting off shopping so I will need you to drive me in
the Elvis mobile, if you don't mind. I'm heading to New Orlenas
to go shopping Saturday , gonna take the daughter and her New York boyfriend, gonna shop and eat fudge.
Feel like a road trip?