So, here is something
about me that some of you may not know. When I am wrong I say so.
So here goes:
Dealing with the assholes
that are allowed to run rampant on Blogster Jen and Family and especially Joez I
have had to deal with repeated attacks on my blog and had to read the vile spew
that is any comment Joe leaves on anyone’s blog who is different than him. I
hate seeing people abused that way. I hate reading all the ugly slurs and the
fact that THEY ARE ALLOWED. To me it is nothing more or less than abuse and it
has really been weighing on me lately so much so that I actually wrote a blog
about Joe with just THIS WEEKS comments on it.
Racist Hate monger Allowed on Blogster
So as I was writing this,
making screen shots of the filth I got to thinking about mybloggers and some of my
own comments. I feel I was unfair to a blogger here because I assumed he was a
throw back of one of the psycho fundamentalists from blogster and was unfair to
him. I assumed that because he came from blogster he knew the whole back story
that leads to why all the “cool†people have come to MyBloggers.
Many of the people here
were victims of the above mentioned people and their friends, families and
alternative accounts created just to further their meanness. I assumed you were
one of them and for that I must apologize to Justmyopionion.
It was unfair and wrong
of me to assume anything and attack someone without all of my own facts
straight. I am very sorry and do hope we can argue later without me being a
bitch for no good reason.
Again I am very sorry and
my vehemence was misdirected and no fault of yours.