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Life & Events > Relationships > There Are Bugs (Sters) in My Arse

There Are Bugs (Sters) in My Arse

So, here is something
about me that some of you may not know.  When I am wrong I say so.


So here goes:


Dealing with the assholes
that are allowed to run rampant on Blogster Jen and Family and especially Joez I
have had to deal with repeated attacks on my blog and had to read the vile spew
that is any comment Joe leaves on anyone’s blog who is different than him. I
hate seeing people abused that way.  I hate reading all the ugly slurs and the
fact that THEY ARE ALLOWED.   To me it is nothing more or less than abuse and it
has really been weighing on me lately so much so that I actually wrote a blog
about Joe with just THIS WEEKS comments on it.

Racist Hate monger Allowed on Blogster


So as I was writing this,
making screen shots of the filth I got to thinking about mybloggers and some of my
own comments.  I feel I was unfair to a blogger here because I assumed he was a
throw back of one of the psycho fundamentalists from blogster and was unfair to
him.  I assumed that because he came from blogster he knew the whole back story
that leads to why all the “cool” people have come to MyBloggers.


Many of the people here
were victims of the above mentioned people and their friends, families and
alternative accounts created just to further their meanness. I assumed you were
one of them and for that I must apologize to Justmyopionion.


 It was unfair and wrong
of me to assume anything and attack someone without all of my own facts
straight.  I am very sorry and do hope we can argue later without me being a
bitch for no good reason.


Again I am very sorry and
my vehemence was misdirected and no fault of yours.

posted on Feb 28, 2008 10:47 AM ()


As you know he and 'they' still comment on my blog or other people's blogs about me over there--I just delete the comments--I really don't feel it does any good to complain to the 'new' owners there as they, obviously, don't care.

What I care about is that you and Vladimir haven't blogged here in a week or so!!! Come on I look forward to reading YOUR posts!!!
comment by greatmartin on Mar 8, 2008 2:11 PM ()
I put Joe behind me long ago. He made one remark on my website trying to stir a fight. I never responded and deleted him ASAP from my friend's list. That was that. If every single person would ignore him and NEVER read his posts nor respond to his filth, he would dry up and go somewhere else. These types of people thrive on conflict.
comment by redimpala on Mar 6, 2008 3:54 PM ()
Joe is a bitter old man with not much on his mind and too much time on his hands
comment by subversive on Mar 5, 2008 12:30 PM ()
Look at you all apologetic. All the cool kids are here at mybloggers. It's not just a website it's a movement. Use that one Eddie for your tagline.
comment by spicybitch on Mar 4, 2008 11:28 AM ()
Holly you know I've always thought you were a fine lady. This just shows it...it isn't easy saying your sorry when you've been wrong. But you have and that shows what a class act you are. Don't let that Joe guy get to you...that's what he wants, just ignore sick people like that. That shows you have more class than they do....and really bugs them more than when you respond to them. When you respond it just adds fuel to his sickness..and that gives him the power. You are a beautiful lady inside and out hun..*hugs*
comment by elfie33 on Feb 29, 2008 11:50 AM ()
It takes guts and fortitude to publicly admit mistakes. I admire you.
The only people who never make mistakes are people who never do anything. A great man who lived a very long time ago once said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
You're a class act, Holly. My hat is off to you.
comment by hayduke on Feb 29, 2008 9:35 AM ()
comment by teacherwoman on Feb 29, 2008 6:31 AM ()
Well Holly I believe anyone that has been at Blogster knows the gang there that constantly are causing problems...now some of them have gated communities and went private. They use to really grind at me particularly Joe who not only needs counseling but is a pathological liar. I've just come to the conclusion that they're all pretty nutty and the hell with them. Best wishes
comment by strider333 on Feb 28, 2008 10:23 PM ()
I can not tell you how your apology touched me. Of course your apology is accepted. I AM a Christian and used to being hated by the "tolerant" left as some of the other comments here show. Of course they are not comments directed to me personally but we do all tend to get lumped in together.
Your not liking me was for me "to be expected", in other words, not surprising at all. What WAS a surprise was when I got your private message about apologizing and then to see this, the actual apology. I thought that was the very definition of class.
P.S. You might like my latest post on Blogster...soon to follow on MyBloggers.
comment by justmyopinion on Feb 28, 2008 3:37 PM ()
Best way to deal with twits like those people is to totally ignore the ########. Never comment or reply to their ejaculations.
comment by jondude on Feb 28, 2008 2:26 PM ()
I did some checking and I really believe Joez isn't who he purports to be. I think he is a kid, no older than 20 or so.
comment by jondude on Feb 28, 2008 2:25 PM ()
that's very sensible of you, hollywood... I wrote this as my final post after being on the receiving end of Joez's filth:...Religiosity and violence are the result of fear. Children who are brought up in fear, usually become both religious and violent. 'Joezsrepublicanpage', is one of these. He is a simple redneck, fearful of the world, terrified of difference because if people with different values and ways of thinking can live happily when he is miserable, then perhaps his way wasn’t the best way to live, and that makes him so angry he hates all those who are different.

To pity him is to misunderstand humanity. He exemplifies what is wrong with the world – why there can never be peaceful resolution of problems, why there will always be strife and war and ignorance and misery. He is merely an extreme example of human nature, magnified by following a religion that glorifies violence. Both the religions spawned by Judaism: - Christianity and Islam, are steeped in violence – take a look at these sites for quotes... https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/cruelty/long.html https://www.evilbible.com/

However, after thinking I'd have a bit of fun with him, I realise his spiteful venom is too poisonous – it pollutes thought and humanity, so I've decided I don’t want to be part of a site that welcomes such perverted people, and therefore have withdrawn from blogster. This is my last post.
comment by clovis on Feb 28, 2008 2:16 PM ()
nobody perfect
comment by mustakim on Feb 28, 2008 2:06 PM ()
So Joe was doing this to Jen and her family?
or everyone?
I thought all of blogster was made up of Jen's family for awhile...
comment by kristilyn3 on Feb 28, 2008 1:46 PM ()
You are showing once again what a class act you are!
comment by thepirateinthecity on Feb 28, 2008 12:49 PM ()
wow!all this is happening.I had a couple of run in there with
Joe,so do not bother with him at all.Was told to stay away from
him.Pretty sad that he feels this way.
sorry,to hear all this happening on your blog.
Your a strong woman and you can stand up to them.
Good luck,enjoy your post.
comment by fredo on Feb 28, 2008 12:24 PM ()
Bill is an okay guy. I'm sure he'll accept your apology.
comment by vladimir on Feb 28, 2008 11:11 AM ()
comment by lynnie on Feb 28, 2008 10:53 AM ()

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