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Hollywould Insider

Hollywould Insider > Mmmhollywould's Comments

Mmmhollywould's Comments

Okay Eddie you have peaked my interest here. I have tried many times to talk to you but my poor fingers cannot take all the damn typing I have to do already. We are all adults here right? Yeah, okay, I thought so.

First confession time, I love Blogster. I am sorry you sold it in a way, that way being because I like you but I am glad to have you alone here without your jerk side-kick. I like you a lot and always have. I like the new people at blogster a lot and always will. I say this first and foremost because I do not see these two blog-sites as competitors and do not compare the two anymore. They are different and offer their users different things. I wanted to say that because I wanted everyone to know I have no split loyalties, this is not about loyalties it is about business.

I do not blog here a lot because of all the reasons you mentioned above. My number one priority is to get my blog read by as many people who care to read it and get to know me on a personal or professional level. I do not get enough hits here for me to blog here everyday in addition to my other blogs I must write and that number is not small and I will not double post that is bad for traffic. Any site I publish at will only get original content from me.

Me personally, I would like you to do a sponsorship. Where people could pay for ad space, personally through you or what ever payment processor you choose so long as it is a reasonable amount and you may have others who have professional interests who may want to do the same thing. Your sponsors would need to be listed on the front page with there logo, maybe limit the size banner you allow or text ad.

I have suggested before that perhaps you charge a subscription fee that allows bells and whistles for your account if you re like a “gold member” say 30-50 bucks a year and those blogs have their own most popular list on the front page.

What about Joint ownership? I do not know how you would work that out but X amount of people willing to share the cost and you vote on decisions made concerning the site, then if you wanted to quit they could buy you out? I s’pose it would be kinda like share holders and the people with the most shares have more clout/votes.

I would also go with the contests maybe an amazon gift card that way it can be anonymous that would be something that would draw traffic but not pay the bills and you need both.

I know there are sites like adbrite where you can have people pay you to be advertised on your site. Usually it begins as a small amount but can quickly become larger and lager amounts. https://www.adbrite.com/ or avn ads. https://www.avnads.com I bet you could defiantly cover all of the costs with those and make a profit! (I do)

I would not go adult all the way because you will lose the people that are here but perhaps allow adult with no nudity and if someone wants to out and out advertise they need to pay you to do so. Like if I just said , “Call me lets………………….” I would need to pay for that and have a auto mailer tell the those folks their commercial blogs are welcome but they gotta pay to post them. That should either get you some cash or get rid of them

I would seriously do ad brite and avn and sell ad space. You get enough traffic and hits to make good $$ doing that and then you could keep it all free but you do need to ad for more users. You need to get more people here and you might wanna try advertising on one of those yourself though I once gave you a whole list of free ways to market this place for traffic, traffic is money if people are paying to ad here. It is not like google ads, try it please (and give me the link to sign up)

Also make it more user friendly here. We need to know when people comment on our blogs and we need to be able to search the site those are the big pitfalls for me here. The only way I know if someone has commented is to go look and that is time consuming and then if I want to visit someone’s blog it is way hard to find them. Search would make my life so much easier. Please Eddie.

I hope all of this helps.


Comment on Direction of MyBloggers - Nov 21, 2008 12:25 AM ()
I mean it is a good thing you came back and all :P
Comment on The Man I AM - Nov 20, 2008 11:01 PM ()
When did you come back?
Comment on The Man I AM - Nov 20, 2008 11:01 PM ()
Very Coool
Comment on Did You Know? Did You Care? - Nov 16, 2008 2:50 PM ()
You have a very handsome boy!
Comment on Halloween Pics - Nov 15, 2008 9:32 PM ()
I was going to reply on Gary’s blog but chose not to because there are not notifications of comments here for when someone comments on your blog, only when hey reply.
As an “old-timer” I remember when Gary would come into chats and curse you out, this was before his one year absence and say horrible things. You never opened your mouth which was probably for the best yet he kept ranting and you firmly and quietly stood your ground as it was your right to blog there too.
Seems to me people mistakenly mistake silence for an admission of guilt and I will not take sides on this at all because domestic issues are not something one wants to get in the middle of and most to have more tact than to take sides.
I do have a question though for Gary because two years ago it was the same old thing, “Give me your address so I can divorce you.”
I do have a problem with that because you(Gary) Have harped on this for some time and because of this it seems to me she may have very good reason not to do this because if you honestly want this divorce you do not even need her address.
I read on a Michigan law website:
If the filing spouse has made a 'good faith effort' to locate the missing spouse, and can swear under oath and penalty of perjury that they do not know the current whereabouts of the respondent and have made an effort to locate them, the missing respondent can be 'served' by publication of a notice in a local newspaper.
Maybe you did not know this. I dunno. I just figured if you really want this to end and did not have the information, I could be helpful but if you do have the info, well, bad on you.
Like other folks I am sure you both want this ugliness to end.
Comment on Texastar's Email Message About My Comment - Nov 15, 2008 9:03 PM ()
I am glad you are getting on with your life and leaving the past behind.
Comment on A Little Blurb About Ex'es - Nov 15, 2008 8:33 PM ()
Well damn, happy birthday to you!
Comment on Stomachs, Rain, Pushing - Nov 15, 2008 7:47 AM ()
I love you mary and you know you will always have my support :P
Comment on Outhouse - Nov 6, 2008 11:10 PM ()
Wow, U am surprised at the negative comments. I would think the man should finally be allowed to be left alone. Everyone does not deserve a piece of him he gave them that in the form of entertainment.
Comment on Ringo is Going Incognito ... - Oct 13, 2008 5:39 PM ()
Maybe you get the most hours because you are proving to be a smart hiring choice!
Comment on Its Still Dark Out! - Oct 12, 2008 3:46 PM ()
lol! Boring is always good!
Comment on Change of Plans - Oct 4, 2008 7:21 PM ()
@ male contraceptive!
Comment on Antidepressants 'May Harm Sperm' ... - Sept 24, 2008 9:29 PM ()
oh my!
Comment on I Have a Crush On ... - Sept 17, 2008 10:42 PM ()
Black and white
Comment on Which Do You Prefer? - Sept 17, 2008 7:52 AM ()

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