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Debbie Reynolds
Mount Morris, MI
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Life & Events > Relationships > Texastar's Email Message About My Comment

Texastar's Email Message About My Comment

Read Message:
From: texastar
Date: Nov 15, 2008 3:40 PM PST
Subject: Then Don't Read Them...


You commented on my last post. You "DON'T KNOW" everything. I presented the "TRUTH" and it is there for all to see. I am tired of being lied about.

You said pretty much everything that I would have said, and did it well. I am proud of Mary and how far she has come. She IS fantastic and has every right to say so. Mary has the right to write about her child. You, on the other hand, DO NOT have the right to write negative things about someone else's child. I personally think that you do not act Christian when you write and behave in the manner that you have in the past few years. I don't want any part in this and have stopped reading your blogs recently. Do as Holly suggested and just turn the other cheek. That would be the Christian thing to do.
reply by busymichmom on Nov 15, 2008 11:02 AM ()

Since you felt you needed to comment (even though you say you don't read my blogs) and you commented with no way for me to respond I am responding now. Kind of cowardly if you ask me. This is none of your business but, for the record I believe Gary (ANY DAY) over you!!

GOOD BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I replied to Holly's comment, adding a bit more, but recognizing that Holly had made her point well. If this was none of my business, as Jenn claimed, then why did she make this blog public? For the record, I stopped reading her blogs a week ago. I know that I made a comment regarding Hazel then. And for anyone that have read Gary's vicious rants attacking me, Jenn's support for him further supports the belief that she shows no recognizable Christian behavior.

Just one more blog written by an erratic vicious person for me to avoid.

posted on Nov 15, 2008 7:45 PM ()


thank you debbie, for standing up for me. what I found curious was that she did not also post her blog on blogster. perhaps because she knew it would be removed? or perhaps she thought she could turn my friends here against me. I received quite a few emails about her blog, people telling me to not listen to anything she says. the encouragement I received is overwhelming. thank you for being my friend.
comment by elkhound on Nov 16, 2008 5:57 AM ()
No comment.Guess,I missed something.Oh!well that is fine.
comment by fredo on Nov 16, 2008 5:46 AM ()
The one thing that Gary does that really grates me is he'll post emails that he gets from other people, which I consider a serious breach of Internet etiquette. He did that a couple of times with Gabriella, and I remember him doing it with a couple other people. Bottom line here is that it takes two people to make a relationship work, just as it takes two to screw one up. When it comes to relationships lord knows I am no authority, but I do know that you need to have respect and commitment..and love to make it work. Plus you need patience and dedication to get you through when the times get hard. Deb you need just to close the chapter on that part of your life that was spent with Gary and move on, and Gary needs to do the same, I will you all the luck with this
comment by redwolftimes on Nov 16, 2008 4:43 AM ()
I was going to reply on Gary’s blog but chose not to because there are not notifications of comments here for when someone comments on your blog, only when hey reply.
As an “old-timer” I remember when Gary would come into chats and curse you out, this was before his one year absence and say horrible things. You never opened your mouth which was probably for the best yet he kept ranting and you firmly and quietly stood your ground as it was your right to blog there too.
Seems to me people mistakenly mistake silence for an admission of guilt and I will not take sides on this at all because domestic issues are not something one wants to get in the middle of and most to have more tact than to take sides.
I do have a question though for Gary because two years ago it was the same old thing, “Give me your address so I can divorce you.”
I do have a problem with that because you(Gary) Have harped on this for some time and because of this it seems to me she may have very good reason not to do this because if you honestly want this divorce you do not even need her address.
I read on a Michigan law website:
If the filing spouse has made a 'good faith effort' to locate the missing spouse, and can swear under oath and penalty of perjury that they do not know the current whereabouts of the respondent and have made an effort to locate them, the missing respondent can be 'served' by publication of a notice in a local newspaper.
Maybe you did not know this. I dunno. I just figured if you really want this to end and did not have the information, I could be helpful but if you do have the info, well, bad on you.
Like other folks I am sure you both want this ugliness to end.
comment by mmmhollywould on Nov 15, 2008 9:03 PM ()

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