Today again I slept in, and it felt nice. I stayed up late last night watching Saturday Night Live and was wakened by the phone just before noon. My daughter was calling to tell me she was having Ramen Noodles for lunch. She will be home later today.
It has been quiet around here, daughter with her dad and R and his little brother out deer hunting. R's little brother told me last night that he would be bringing home dinner today. A freezer full of deer would be great!
But I have chicken thawing in the microwave. What if they don't shoot a deer?!? I am making chicken and stuffing in the crockpot for dinner, with mixed vegetables on the side. If I get motivated enough, I will bake a nice apple crisp in the oven today too. Seems like the perfect meal for a cold, snowy day.
I guess having snow is a blessing, at least for some. It does make tracking the deer easier. It isn't so bad to look at either, if you don't have to go out in it. We aren't supposed to get much, just a dusting.
Have a good afternoon!