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Hollywould Insider

Life & Events > Cyber Sex Meets Phone Sex

Cyber Sex Meets Phone Sex

Since the internet became so widely used you would think that the phone sex business would have met a decline but that is not true.

People assume that all a phone sex professional does is moan into the phone but it is so much more than that. I am not going to get into the boring details of marketing which is well over half of it, no, I am just going to address the actual contacts. You see when you get a chick you just met in cyber space you have no idea what you are going to get no matter what she says and if you are limiting it to cyber, typing, you do not even know if it is really a boy or a girl

Once you get on the phone, you know without a doubt the person in question is a chick. Sure it could be a dude with a voice changer but I do not think a voice changer has yet been made that doe not sound mechanical. So rest assured if it sounds like a woman and not like a computer pretending to be a woman, it probably is.

So once you manage to get this cyber cutie on the phone because characters just are not enough she may be the perhaps she insists of full disclosure , wants your info before you call, is she silent type, not at all verbal, dumb as a stump or entirely too intelligent for what you were looking for, perhaps she needs to be coaxed out of clothes and wants a full on romance first and is afraid of being used like a common slut. Well what does she expect when they give it way for free?

Really, as a professional audio visual pornographic aid I am much better experienced to service your needs and no matter how far our or creepy you think your fantasy is I will not hesitate to jump right into it and take you right that to that place you want to go to without any coaxing and I am not worried about who you are, where you are, if you love me and baby I want you to use me.

Not only that you have different levels of phone girl just as you do in any industry. Lets use a restaurant as an example. When you first start and have no experience you are the fry girl. While you are doing your fries you get to look around and see all the different things that are going on and learn what the people around you are doing and while some of it may not be alien to you because most have been in a kitchen before a lot of it may because it is a whole different environment.

As you work this station eventually you get to move up to grill guy because you have mastered the art of fries and have gotten a feel for the grill after working right next to it for so long. Now you learn to deal with all kinds of different things and problems and the manager decides to train you as a cashier at this point you learn all the other jobs as well as all about the money/

Once you make it here it is not long before you can move up to management, invest and then if you are really good start your own business.

This is true in phone sex. It is a whole new way to get off and get you have to learn how to do that for your customers to keep them happy. You will start out working for a company or you will find the road very difficult and run into many unexpected problems. You have to know all the rules, laws, contracts, fetishes, the list goes on. You start from the bottom up. Just like any other business. There is no get rich scheme only time, skill and talent.

I challenge anyone to start at a company, have to get online and troll for calls or even a company that does not require it as they do enough advertising in men’s magazines and see if they can maintain a hold time more than five minutes in their first week. Anyone who thinks it is easy and anyone can do it, man or woman. Take up the challenge I will tell you where to go to apply.

I started a t the bottom and worked my way up so now when a guy calls me he knows he is getting exactly what he wants and does not have to do anything to convince me to please me. Half the battle is already won.

posted on Oct 5, 2008 10:18 PM ()


What an interesting post, Holly. I definitely would have thought that with cyber sex so readily available, the phone sex industry would have taken a hit and I appreciate the explanation. So let me ask you this:

A good friend of mine was a very active prostitute who enjoyed her work, for the most part and had been at it long enough to acquire a decent clientele. She noticed that once the Internet became common place and Internet porn so easily and readily accessible, her clients were no longer satisfied with "regular" encounters. She said to me that because someone could basically find anything on the Internet, from fisting to scat play to enema porn and double and triple penetrations (just to name a few), nothing was considered, "off limits" and she was expected to have very few limitations and the requests became more and more outlandish as a result of the availability of what would have once seemed bizarre or even wrong.

My question to you is if you've found the same? Have the nature of the calls changed? Have the requests differed from, say, five to ten years ago? I'm very curious.
comment by janetk on Oct 14, 2008 12:47 PM ()
Very interesting! Your explanation sounds very professional.
comment by sumkindabich on Oct 11, 2008 6:40 AM ()
Although it's not for me,(I prefer physical touch with somebody I truly care for), your profession sure sounds fascinating!
By the way, I LOVE the NEW banner on my blogsite, thanks to you!
comment by hayduke on Oct 9, 2008 10:23 AM ()
You know you explain things very well.
comment by elfie33 on Oct 6, 2008 11:33 AM ()
Interesting explanation. I haven't thought about phone sex services, but it makes sense that it works like that. You sound very successful and professional
comment by stiva on Oct 6, 2008 6:48 AM ()
It must be a very interesting job you have...
comment by itsjustme on Oct 6, 2008 3:59 AM ()

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