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Religion > They're All Just Alike!

They're All Just Alike!

I'm home sick today so I came and set down at the computer and thought I would browse around some of the articles here and at the "other one". For some reason, I seem to have stumbled across a few posts that lets say, don't like Christians very much or perhaps disdain Christians would probably be a better word.

I am a Christian so that bothered me. Everybody wants to be liked I guess. I'm a pretty friendly guy I think in day to day life. To hear some of ya'll tell it Christians, well even I wouldn't want anything to do with those people. I suppose there are some Christians that bring this kind of bigotry (yes its consistant now) on themselves. We are also sometimes seen in a bad light because of morons like the so called "Pastor" Fred Phelps that decrys "God Hates Fags"!!!These days we are seen by many as anti gay, anti women, anti "fun", anti gambling, drinking, sex,...heck almost anything you can think of we're supposed to be against it and we ARE against the sin but should NEVER be against the sinner. To hear some of you tell it we are devoid of intellect, bigoted prudes that you would love to make shut up and go away....yet... we are the intolerant ones. I feel more like I'm on the wrong side of the looking glass everyday.

I can sort of understand I guess. If you have no belief in God, or maybe I should say relationship with God, you really have no way of distiguishing between the chior director down at the local church who may be a lovely person and the aforementioned Fred Phelps.

Well, I'm no Jerry Falwell and don't presume to speak for all Christians. Speaking for myself and some of the people I know, we would just like to worship our Lord and help you, if you wanted to to find a relationship with him too. If that is not something you would be interested in, of course it bothers us and some of US could get PUSHY but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say most of the time its done out of a concern for the person, thier "eternal well being" if you will, not out of some kind of bigotry or hatered or whatever is put on it.

I don't know, I feel like I'm starting to ramble a little so I'll just say this. When you do encounter a "Christian", just remember we're not "all just alike". Some are good, some are bad, some are lazy, fat, happy, sad. Believe it or not it is VERY difficult to be a Christian at times. We all still have bills to pay, jobs to work, kids to worry about etc. Not one single person on this planet is perfect and the last time I checked we were ALL sinners. Some ARE saved by grace, but sinners still. We have the hope of heaven someday, that "pie in the sky, bye and bye" thing. I don't know how ya'll do it without that hope. Well, I'm gonna get back up on my "crutch" and go on about my day. I'll be talking to ya.

"Just my opinion"

posted on Feb 25, 2008 10:12 AM ()


Three things will rile people more quickly than anything--politics, religion, and gay bashing. I try my best to stay away from them, though I must admit I got caught up in a religious discussion with a fanatic who thinks he is right and the world is wrong. Never again!!
comment by redimpala on Mar 6, 2008 3:48 PM ()
Listen, I firmly believe that what ever anyone embraces as their spiritual path is their business. However, I disagree with self righteousness. At their essence I sincerely believe we depart on different paths that converge in eternity if the core of these beliefs are based on compassion. Clearly if my choice is Buddhism, then I should spend more time improving myself and let others alone. I was raised a Catholic but have since recovered. However my great grandmother went to church everyday and her christian beliefs were unshakable. I admired her tremendously.

It's the theocrats that bother me and the prophets for profit who use fear for money with no basis placed on being a true Christian. Clearly, one who attained perfection did not create the species only to know there were plans for self destruction. In the end when we reach it, the last judgement will be a reflection of how we lived our lives and nothing more. Best of luck on "your" path.
comment by strider333 on Feb 25, 2008 3:41 PM ()
Unfortunately it is the 'christian' here and there who are the loudest in their gay bashing--they go to blogs written by gay people and are vile and crude--one boasts about bashing gays when he was a teenager and then talks about 'God's Love'--and none of you answer them so what choice do we have except to believe you feel the same way???
Does standing by and saying nothing make a good Christian?? Does a good Christian judge others? Loving the sinner but not the sin means you should stand by and say or do nothing?
Yes, I am aware there are good Christians just as there are good gay people but 'silence does equal death' and don't expect me to be silent when a 'christian' spews hate.

PS Being a good Jew I hope you are feeling better!
comment by greatmartin on Feb 25, 2008 3:33 PM ()
Thanks pal...I feel yucky....
comment by justmyopinion on Feb 25, 2008 2:44 PM ()
PS: Hope you feel better soon.
comment by vladimir on Feb 25, 2008 12:32 PM ()
I don't hate Christians. I don't hate Muslims. I don't hate Jews. I don't hate Hindus. I don't hate Jains. I don't hate Buddhists. I don't hate anyone.

I have a big problem with (a) fundamentalism of ANY stripe, and (b) the desire of religious extremists to control the politics and laws of a country. That goes for the Taliban as much as it goes for American fundamentalists. Yes, they're comparable at least in degree because both groups have the same goal: to use the force of law to enforce narrow interpretations of religious texts on everyone. I don't think you can make a nation of sinners into "heaven on earth" -- you're more likely to make it hell.

I don't think we would be any better as a nation if the agenda of the Religious Right were to prevail (I think the Religious Right's power in the GOP is eventually going to lead to its collapse). I think in many ways we would be worse off.

You mentioned Falwell and Phelps. Both were cut from the same cloth and both preyed politically on specific groups of sinners in most uncivil manners. I don't find either of their appeals convincing, just hateful of sinners. Not sins, sinners. Phelps and Falwell have done all they can to make life more difficult for all kinds of sinners. What have you done to make life easier for those even if you don't agree with them? Are you for increased HIV/AIDS research funding? Are you for anti-discrimination laws that extend civil rights to ALL citizens equally? Or are you just like those two and think that your beliefs should allow you to deny rights to others if you disagree with them?

As a Christian, I'm not commanded to make civil laws to try and keep sinners from being sinners. I'm commanded to love and not judge. The verses you're most likely to quote to me (e.g., Romans 1) in this context are about eternal punishment; far from telling me to also punish people temporally, those verses are usually followed by admonitions to not judge others (e.g., Romans 2).

So let me ask you. Am I not as good a Christian as you because instead of gay-bashing, I support programs that offer guidance to gay youth and hospice programs that care for AIDS patients? Am I not as good a Christian as you because I can't bear to deny someone the liberty to decide if and when she decides to have a child? Am I not as good a Christian as you because I defend a candidate I won't vote for against the false witness of Christians who don't care about that particular commandment? Or are you like some of those who tried to give me a hard time at Bl*gster and can't even consider me a Christian because I don't agree with you or with mixing religion and politics?
comment by vladimir on Feb 25, 2008 12:29 PM ()
Actually, hypocrite I was referring to the way I have been treated and so have others by the religious right on Blogster.

Had you paid any attention to what you yourself wrote that you stumbled across many blogs where people express an anti-Christian sentiment.

I explained that many here if not most took enough ABUSE by Christians on blogster.

I know you have touted yourself as all intelligent but apparently you have trouble with reading comprehension.

I said quite clearly have you seen how these people / I /Gay people in general have been treated?

How Christians assume they must not know God / Jesus or they certainly would not be Gay / Muslim/ Porn Star or anything else that is considered sinful by fundamentalist.

I was giving you a why you read these blogs not a YOU.

Now I am giving you a you!
comment by mmmhollywould on Feb 25, 2008 12:07 PM ()
Perhaps some of what you make reference to is not anti-Christian so much as anti-hypocrisy and anti-intolerance. Unfortunately, too many people profess Christian ideals but do not live them. Many of them have been high profile "bible thumpers" who, when they fell, fell with a loud and embarrassing thud. When you add to that the perceived antagonism of the fundamentalist right to anything progressive and the insistence upon explaining everything via a literal reading of an age old bible, then you get lots of intelligent, hopeful people thinking negatively about religion. And BTW, the proselytizing about which you speak, out of supposed concern for other people's souls, is one thing that turns people off the most. Religion, or lack thereof, is such a very personal choice that when you intrude upon that privacy, it aggravates people... even makes them become intolerent toward the intruders.
comment by looserobes on Feb 25, 2008 11:02 AM ()
I know you think that you are the righteous one here and that you are somehow persecuted but since I saw you over at blogster you certainly know several of the people here moved because of the persecution by Christians in the name of God.

Have you read Joez page? Didja miss that? Did you see him wishing all manner of interesting death on homosexuals.

You have a RIGHT to be Christian. They have a RIGHT to be gay. I have the RIGHT to live an alternative lifestyle.

We all have these rights and do not need someone to come on our blog PREACHING God to us because we must have somehow missed it.

Perhaps we do not believe in the same narrow minded God many so called Christians preach at us about.

So these people do not have the right to speak out but you do?
comment by mmmhollywould on Feb 25, 2008 10:49 AM ()

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