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Life & Events > Relationships > Handle with Care

Handle with Care

I was reminded over the holidays just how fragile life is. How many times have we learned, or maybe I should say, how many times have I learned this lesson before. One of my close friends had a seizure and was rushed to the hospital. His wife called me at work and told me the details and said she had called 911, she thought perhaps a stroke. My mind reeled, "no God, please don't take my friend home. I need him more than you do." I went to see him in the hospital as soon as I got off work. He looked so frail and vulnerable. He was in and out the whole time I was there and when he was awake, it just wasn't the same old Joe. I tried in my own way to comfort his wife, "he will be alright, it's just that infection, as soon as they take care of that he'll be fine." He had had a  pretty nasty infection in his elbow and on one hand I was pretty sure thats what it was, not to suggest that wasn't serious enough but IF it was a stroke, my friend might never be the same. The point is, I sounded a lot more confident than I actually was.

Him and I joke around every day, and we talk about spiritual things. He is a much older Christian than I am, and comes from a different "denominational" background than I do but we are on the same page when it comes to the basics of Christianity. I so much enjoy the back and forth of our talks. He gets aggravated with me and vice versa over my attendance or rather lack there of, at various classes and events during the week and I get a little aggravated with him over "bugging" me to go but I always know he loves me and I'm pretty sure he knows the same about me. He had been trying to get me to come to the Wednesday night class for some time and I had been getting tired of telling him to stop and he thought I was mad at him when he had this seizure. I wasn't, I just didn't want to hear it anymore, if I wanted to go I'd go. I don't consider myself "religious" and don't feel all that guilty if I don't go to church every time the doors are open. Not to suggest that is what he was after necessarily, but I was being my usual stubborn self and I wouldn't go.

He had his seizure on Wednesday morning and it was Wednesday evening when I got to the hospital to see him. One of the times he woke up, I tried to joke with him by telling him  that he would do ANYTHING to get me out on Wednesday night but come on, this was a little EXTREME even for him! He doesn't remember that given the fact that he was a little out of it for a few days, but he does remember that my face was the first one he remembered seeing at the hospital. For some reason that made me feel a little special.

When I left that night, I didn't know if I would see my friend again, at least not in this life. The thought was very painful to contemplate. It's not so much that I depend on any man for my spiritual health, but I have been feeling pretty lousy about my walk with the Lord for some time now and losing my friend would not make that any better for sure. Having him around to bounce things off of was truly a blessing. I learned a long time ago not to put anyone on a pedestal because they inevitably will jump off and depending on how high you built the pedestal it can be pretty devastating. That being said I did value his advice and counsel. Now I wasn't sure I would have his support and encouragement any more. Again I spoke my prayer before God, "no God, please don't take my friend home. I need him more than you do." That was practically my montra for the next few days.

I wasn't able to go see him on Thursday, but went Friday about 7:30 in the evening to see him again. He was still in ICU so I wasn't really sure what to expect. Would he be the same as Wednesday? I had heard from others that he was doing much better but what exactly did  "much better" mean?

I walked in to his room and he was sitting up watching men in black 2. He was my "old" Joe pretty much. Tired, perhaps a little (for lack of a better word) rattled you might say. To put it extremly mildly I was relieved. "Thank you Father" was my new prayer. It wasn't a stroke, at least the doctors don't seem to think so, but a reaction to the infection most likely, just as I had hoped to begin with. That was serious enough but strokes can be so devastating, and apparently ("thank you Father") that wasn't the case. He was back in church Sunday. I won't take him for granted anymore, at least not for a while, then, probably not with him, but with someone, I'll be reminded just how fragile this life is. Perhaps this little story will remind you in a little gentler way. Maybe you'll chat an extra couple of minutes with your friend or loved one the next time you see them. Maybe you'll even make the effort to go tend to that relationship you've been neglecting for one of the myriad of reasons we do that. I hope so, we all need to remember that life is fragile and to "handle with care" those that we love.


                                                               ( "Papa" Joe )
                                                             Just my Opinion,

posted on Dec 29, 2008 9:23 AM ()


I am reminded every day how fragile life is. I agree with Fredo
about telling them while they are alive. As a song i know says-
Give me the roses while I live trying to cheer me on-useless
the flowers that you give, after the soul is gone.
comment by larryb on Jan 9, 2009 7:01 PM ()
Glad to hear he's better my friend...
comment by strider333 on Dec 31, 2008 12:45 AM ()
yes,we should do what Tim says and agreed with him.
Why is when a person dies,they give all kinds of compliment.
Nice guy,wonderful do any thing for you etc.
why do they wait when the person is dead.
They should tell him while he is alive.
They know this and cannot figured why?
Good post and very understanding my friend.
Great New Year there.
comment by fredo on Dec 29, 2008 10:20 AM ()
It's lessons like this that bear repeating, life is fleeting and we should take every opportunity we can to tell those that are close to us just what they mean to our lives
comment by redwolftimes on Dec 29, 2008 9:50 AM ()

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