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Life & Events > Poster Boy for Depression Today

Poster Boy for Depression Today

I am weary. I recently shared with some of you that God had spoken to lil ole me. He said, "Bill, do you think when Daniel was in the lions den that his focus was on the lions?" I don't walk around saying God said this that and the other thing to me all the time so that was pretty significant to me.

I was so peaceful and content there for a few days, perhaps even a little more than a week. The lions are back though, and they look hungry, angry, downright pissed. Having a little trouble today with my focus.

I am weary. I wonder if I'm the crazy one. I feel like I'm living in a nightmare and can't wake up. If I try and comment on dangers I see, I'm called a hater, a bigot, a lunatic, a fear monger, a war monger, a right wing religious nut etc etc. I don't feel like WHAT I say has been heard at all, not really. Its like a bunch of children running around with their fingers in their ears saying la la la la la la la la. They will not even consider or discuss evil as it exists. I do not understand at all.

I feel like I'm just spinning my wheels. Some people "get it", others won't even LOOK at it, much less consider the danger we are in. Liberalism and their political correctness may very well get many of us killed. Probably sooner than later. I wonder what kind of world will my girl grow up in. Will she live long enough even to grow up. Somehow, some way we must take a stand NOW, not later...later will be to late. But we won't will we? Oh we'll blog, and maybe a few of us will write or call our Congressmen, how's that working for us? Socialism/communism just swept through our country there is nothing even slowing it's progress. I don't have the you?

  I'm confused as to why a nation of free people would so casually throw that freedom away. Why would they subject themselves to anything less than their God given freedom? WHY? This to me is totally insane, so much so that I am questioning my own sanity because it doesn't seem like it could possibly be REAL! Yet it is, isn't it? Do you feel like I feel? Anyone? The hatred from much of the left is palpable. They hate, and accuse the right of hate. They discriminate and accuse the right of discrimination. This world is upside down and backwards. Even though I understand prophesy and end times events, this whole madness going on around me seems surreal.

I heard a women on the radio today. She was a Republican, she said she was more of a centrist Republican. She said it was time to get God out of the GOP, that God was why we lost the election. So now, Republicans will kick God to the curb? Insane. Surreal. Astounding arrogance.

I'm not here today to preach, although I probably could. I will tell you, this is not going to end well, at least not in the short term. Many that read my blog see Christianity as "pie in the sky by and by" nonsense. If you would only take the time to look at the bible, study it just a little, you would see EVERYTHING happening today has been predicted thousands of years ago. The bible  compares the end times to a women in labor with the pains coming closer and closer together. I tell you, the baby is crowning. The end is close at hand. Ahh, but I'm preaching after all I guess.

I'm not a hater, or most of the other things the left would try and label me. I fear for them, I care about them, I wish I was a better writer or speaker that I could open their eyes and make them see where all this leads. I would if I could.

Anymore, I don't feel much like trying. I expect to see Jesus any day. I think we'll ALL see Him soon. Even so, come Lord Jesus.

                       Just my opinion,

NOTE: This wasn't the article I was going to write, It was going to be more along the lines of Communism or Sharia, which one will kill us first  but  somewhere in the writing decided, ehh what's the use. Maybe someday I'll write it.  Here's a couple videos you can watch or not as you please. Right at this moment, I don't even know if I'll write anything anymore. God bless you all---good luck.   Sharia Law discussed by a woman that grew up under it in Syria. Frightening short movie about the violence associated with Islam.

posted on Nov 21, 2008 6:40 PM ()


Bill, I think we are all in a state of confusion. Life is getting so complicated. But, do hold on to your beliefs... You have a wonderful heart and you'll really be fine. BTW, do keep writing. It does help to get your feelings out.
comment by sunlight on Nov 22, 2008 8:51 PM ()
Bill I know how you feel. It would be nice to take some
time off, but I feel that is one of the problems, we are
taking time off instead of working harder to get God's
message out. You are right also about getting anyone to listen.
I am with you, as I read the bible I see more and more things
falling into place for the end time. I pray every day for the
Lord to help this country get back on the right track, but maybe
it is prophesy coming to pass. Maybe your lions will give you
a little rest. God bless you.
comment by larryb on Nov 22, 2008 6:42 PM ()
Take a break for a few days
comment by grumpy on Nov 22, 2008 11:37 AM ()

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