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Politics & Legal > War in Gaza

War in Gaza

Israel is beating the stuffing out of Hamas (read Iran) and I must say I'm enjoying every second of it. Of course the left and the Muslims are crying foul. They say Isreal's response is "disproportional." I sincerely hope and pray their response continues to be what it has been. I'll add, God Bless the Bush administration for not (at least publicly) condemning Israel's defense of her country, also God bless Barack Obama for at least keeping his mouth shut so far. (although since I first penned this article it seems his imminence has dispatched Joe Biden to speak with Hamas)

It's about time Israel took the necessary steps to stop letting her citizens be terrorized by these Islamic thugs. All I ever hear about is the innocent victims of the Israeli war machine. Those poor Palestinians, they never did nothing to nobody. Sure, Hamas (the democratically elected Government of the Palestinians) threw some rocks, molotave cocktals and oh yeah, lobbed a few hundred rockets in to Israel, but REALLY, is THIS kind of response really necessary? Its

I can only envy the Israeli military. They sort of remind me of young America. Decisive military action when called for, no pussy footing around. They are courageous soldiers unlike the cowardly masked murderers the Palestinians worship as their so called hero's. Israel knows that if this business is to be taken care of it will have to be them that takes care of it and without the help of the rest of the world. The rest of the world is either afraid of or buffaloed by the terrorists.

Israel is still an ally of America, at least on paper but support for Israel is waning here. I fear that it may deteriorate even further in the not so distant future. I hear more and more Americans condemning Israel today. (as if we didn't have enough problems)

"I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.

I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." Gen 12: 2 & 3

Some Americans and most of the world it seems, seem to think that Israel's defense of her citizens is somehow evil. That seems totally ridiculous to me. Every once in a while an Israeli soldier will shoot a poor innocent peace loving Palestinian that was merely shooting rocks from a wrist rocket at his head. Here's a headline for you...


Hamas sends homicide bombers again and again and again in to Israel killing innocent citizens by the truckload. Far to few condemn the Muslim that blew himself or herself or even their child up and killed shoppers in a mall or diners in a restaurant but let Israel target a rocket launching pad that kills civilians because these cowards set the pads up AMONG civilians and kill some so called innocent peace loving Palestinians (that again elected these thugs) or one of their brain washed from birth children, and the whole world calls for Israels' head on on stick. The news shows us over and over scenes of bloody body's being loaded in to an ambulance and if there is a body somewhere or a bloody teddy bear and lets not forget the grieving widow so much the better. Wars are won and lost by such propaganda and the leftist media is determined to present America AND Israel as what's wrong in the world instead of showing the 7th century murderers for what they are.

Its insane, the world seems to want to fight nice clean tidy wars today, they want them to be "proportional" if you will. How ignorant and foolish this attitude is. Thank God this attitude wasn't prevalent during WW 2. Wars should be fought to win. They should be so violent and bloody as to be vulgar. That way, one side or the other at some point will say enough...we quit...and mean it. The conflict will be resolved instead of sitting there stewing, re-arming for the next inevitable "war."

Imagine if you will two guys fighting a fist fight. They have a referee (U.N.) that has the power to persuade them to stop fighting at his discretion. One guy is a black belt in several different forms of the Marshall arts. (Israel) We'll call him "Abe." The other is a bare knuckle brawler skilled in street fighting. (Hamas) We'll call him "Mo."

They have a generational "blood feud" between their family's going back generations. Sometimes Abe's family dominates the neighborhood, sometime Mo's does but animosity between the family's has always been there since the time of their forefathers. Currently Mo's family dominates the neighborhood, well all but this one street, but Mo's family cannot tolerate this, no sir, they (Abe's family) MUST be driven from the neighborhood if not killed outright. Sometimes Mo will sucker punch Abe and Abe just takes it without fighting back. Like I said, He's skilled in the Marshall arts but if he can avoid the fight he will. This happens again and again and the referee says nothing. Finally Abe has had enough and he decides he will give Mo a "tune up" and help him get his mind right. Abe really doesn't WANT this fight in fact has tried again and again to avoid it but finally he is fed up. What's a guy supposed to do when someone threatens him and his family over and over even to the point of getting physical at times and the referee that is supposed to monitor the neighborhood does nothing.

Mo see's Abe, just as before he runs at Abe and takes his swing, Abe ducks, plants one in his solar plexus and proceeds to pummel Mo. Mo is staggered and surprised by the usually meek Abe. He tries to defend himself but Abe's attack is relentless. The whole neighborhood is in an uproar. STOP! You're killing him, they yell. Yeah well I'm tired of this punk AND his family. I didn't want this fight but IF its unavoidable no matter WHAT I do then, though I didn't start it I certainly AM capable of ending it. The referee starts waving his arms and jumping up and down saying Abe is cheating, he knows Marshal arts after all while Mo is a humble street fighter that had a troubled childhood. Abe ignores both the neighborhood and the referee and continues to beat Mo to a bloody pulp finally sending him in to unconsciousness. At this point and only at this point (this time) Abe stops his attack, straightens his clothes and walks home.

The doctors (news media) say Mo is in a coma but will likely time, given proper medical attention and un-disturbed bed rest.

Back at home, Abe stares out the window of his house at the hostile neighborhood around him. Will this stop the violence on HIS street? He hopes so but Mo has brothers and THEY may come looking for him now. Let em, he thinks. He got jumped by several of them once and kicked ALL their butts. They run their mouths but haven't took a swing at him lately. He is sad. All his family really want is to live in peace on THEIR street. It's a BIG neighborhood, why can't that be? Why can't Mo see it? Mo has sworn in the past that this "blood feud" will NEVER be over as long as he breaths. Abe has no doubt he means it but hopes against all hope that this may be the end of it for a while. "Perhaps", he says with a sigh, "perhaps." He hopes so, Abe is merely the eldest son. His Father is getting increasingly agitated the situation in the neighborhood. If he gets involved, all bets are off. Dad (God) doesn't fool around. He doesn't take prisoners, He doesn't negotiate. Mo's family thinks his Father is an old doddering fool, they so underestimate Him. Though slow to anger his wrath is a thing to behold.

Abe hopes there can be peace between Mo's family and his, but he wonders...he wonders.

I wonder too,
Just my opinion,

posted on Jan 10, 2009 12:44 PM ()

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