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Life & Events > One of Those Days

One of Those Days

I think I've slipped a gear today. I'm having one of those day's. I've been worried about bills, getting behind in a couple and having a hard time catching up. I've been a little tense lately because of that I guess. I was going to get to work tomorrow and that would have helped, then going to work car quits. Just poof, it goes off.
  Now I'm no mechanic, not at all. My talents lie elsewhere. Sooooooo, I had to have the car towed (45.00) to the garage to be fixed. They are checking it out now and will call me with the estimate later today. Somewhere in the middle of all this I just started laughing. "I can't do this Lord", I said. I've not paid tithes in some time. Before you write and say anything, I know God should get his first but the bible also says (Bill's paraphrased version) "give with a joyful heart or keep it in your pocket." I've been so tight on everything that I just didn't pay anything at church. I justified it by telling myself charity begins at home. My mom, ever the legalist Christian, is fond of telling me verses such as "will a man rob God" and if you don't pay God a tithe you basically put your money in "a bag with holes." It does seem like if I get 10 cents ahead something breaks and costs me a quarter. My mortgage isn't paid yet, or home equity loan, I'm behind in the gas and electric bill etc etc, and NOW I've gotta get this car fixed which I'll probably have to put on a credit card making THAT payment go up even more. I'm not really whining, just venting a little. In times past, I would probably have said its all good, it'll work out somehow, it always does. Anymore I'm not as sure. I find myself wondering ,will MY family and I be among the homeless soon? My job is shaky like so many others so it COULD happen. I know I'm borrowing trouble from tomorrow but I can't help wondering and yes even worrying a little. I guess if it happens it happens, I have to trust God no matter what. At least I have God to rely on, I don't know how you unbelievers do it, I'd put a gun in my mouth I think, that or climb in to a bottle and pull the cork in after me. I've told God before that I have trust issues so maybe we're working that out now. Well, if your a praying person, send one up for me if you would. I'm trying to relax, trust the Lord and hang in there but like I said, it feels like I slipped a gear today. Thanks for listening (reading).--Bill
More later maybe......

posted on Dec 5, 2008 8:30 AM ()


Praying for you, Bill. Things are really hard these days for many people. Sorry you're going through these things. Keep your trust in the Lord. He will help you, no matter what. I know it's hard when things seem to continue getting worse. I do wish your mom would cut you some slack. Take care.
comment by sunlight on Dec 5, 2008 1:04 PM ()
You said your talent lie elsewhere.And what is that.
Sorry,to hear about the problems there.Surely you can work this out.
comment by fredo on Dec 5, 2008 9:44 AM ()

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