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Life & Events > Hello MyBloggersville!

Hello MyBloggersville!

Hello everyone. I just recently joined MyBloggers. Some of you may know me from a different blog space that became totally dysfunctional since it was taken over by someone else. I just thought I would introduce myself and get something posted on here.

I'm fifty years old, or soon will be if I live, a Christian for just over eleven years. I like to write about politics and religion with the occasional joke thrown in for fun. I have been a registered Republican for a few years but that will likely change the next time I go to the DMV. I am a conservative, I believe in traditional values and the America the FOUNDING FATHERS set out for us. I'm also of the belief that they were probably the greatest men ever to grace the planet.

I'm not crazy about the way things are going in this country. I think many of you are asleep and unaware of the danger this great country is in. America has many enemys these days, both from within and without. I'm starting to think there may be no turning back from this "progressive" scourge now sacking our great nation. All I can say to that is, careful what you wish for you just might get it.

While waking people up to the dangers we face and discussing politics in general is a lot of what I wind up doing on my blogs, the main thing I would like to convey and what I will also write about is Jesus Christ and the love He has for each of you. I believe He will be back again and probably soon judging by the way things are shaping up. He will not be coming back this time as a lamb for slaughter but as the Lion of Judah, in judgement of mankind.

Sometimes my blogs are a little heated as I tend to get riled when someone burns a flag or puts something viewed by many as sacred in a jar of urine and calls it art but I will try and keep it civil if you care to DISCUSS something.

Now you know a little about me. I hope to meet many of you, some I already know as I said because some of us used to be at that "other" disfuntional blogging place. I'm sure I'll be writing something soon so stop back by now and then. Until then, God bless.


PS...When I first registered with MyBloggers I thought someone took the name "justmyopinion" already so I was "dixiegunslinger" for a day or two. Thanks to "Eddie" for getting my name back.

posted on Feb 19, 2008 5:36 PM ()


Hey Bill you just need to chill out a bit. It's not healthy to get mad at people that "just" look at things a bit different. I think we all do. Besides anger, is just not healthy for us all. In any case, welcome to the "real" blogster...glad to see you come over from the dark side
comment by strider333 on Feb 19, 2008 8:21 PM ()
Welp, I don't recognize you from Bugster, but welcome to mybloggers!
comment by jjoohhnn on Feb 19, 2008 5:56 PM ()

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