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Travel > A Picture Says a Thousand Words -- Part Five

A Picture Says a Thousand Words -- Part Five

Okay, so this is the final chapter of my weddingmoon photo tour.
Well, I won't get into alllll the specifics, but let's just say that getting from Paris to Amsterdam was a bit of a challenge when the brakes on our train broke. We were shuffled from one train to another to another to a bus to another train... with more and more people piling up with each consecutive stop, making conditions more and more cramped. This picture was taken during the bus portion of our detoured ride.

Along the way, we cheered out the window, "Hooray for alternative sources of energy."

At one of the train stations I picked up this delicious treat from a vending machine. This photo was taken before I had opened the package and discovered my serious addiction to stroopwafels. I'm now on the hunt to find these babies in Canada. Soooooo gooooood!

Finally we arrived in the charming city of Amsterdam, where every man, woman and dog owns at least two bikes.

Our cab driver told us that even though there are thousands of bikes, there are rarely any bike accidents because I guess the penalties are pretty serious for anyone who hits someone on a bike. Sounds like bikers always have the right of way.

I also heard that Amsterdam has more canals than Venice.

Look, here's another...

Okay, and just one more.

J n' I stopped for dinner, and for dessert I got this delicious frozen lemon filled with lemon sorbet. We actually have a million pictures of all the gelato and dessert we ate on our trip, but I figured I'd spare you all from most of them.

Naturally while in Amsterdam we had to enjoy some Heineken. But to be perfectly honest, I can't say that I've ever enjoyed that brand of beer... I don't know why? Of course, I had one anyway.

We went to the Van Gogh museum, but unlike the Louvre, we couldn't take any pictures inside... so this is all we have to remember it by.

We also went to the Anne Frank house, but again, couldn't take any pictures inside. However, next to the gift shop, they have this Oscar on display won by Shelly Winters for her role as Best Supporting Actress in the movie depicting Anne Frank's life. So we snagged a quick shot of it, because technically it wasn't really inside the house, and besides that, no one tried to stop us.

We didn't have enough time to go to the Rijks Museum...

But heaven knows J took enough pictures of it from every possible angle.

Instead we just enjoyed touring around this beautiful city.

And we stopped to do some souvinir shopping. Although I was SO disappointed that I didn't buy any clogs before we left. I really wanted a pair.

Here are just a few random pictures taken while walking around... such as this interesting looking movie theater...

And a bar with a funny tagline. Of course, with lousy food and warm beer, we decided not to eat there.

Here's a pretty path...

And some important looking buildings that were nearby...

And look at these funky looking birds. It looks like they have war paint on.

Of course, we did other touristy things, like have our picture taken in front of the I Amsterdam sign.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, while we were standing in line in front of the Anne Frank house, we saw some people filming a commercial or TV show or movie or something. I guess we'll never know...

And finally, no trip to Amsterdam would be complete without a stroll through the infamous red light district. We met up with my two friends who decided to follow us from Paris to Amsterdam a day later. The four of us had each heard various rumours that you shouldn't take pictures in the red light district because you risk having your camera smashed or thrown in a canal - although I think it's mainly if you're taking pictures of the hookers. Even so, I was freaking when we decided to be 'brave' and take a couple quick pics. I didn't want to risk losing everything on our camera just for a stupid shot of the RLD. So, yeah, that look on my face isn't just a crazed smile, I'm really saying through my teeth, "Quick, quick! Take the picture! Take the picture!" Ha.

So that's it for Amsterdam, which concludes our weddingmoon adventure. I hope you've all enjoyed my pictures.
Oh, but just one last photo...
I thought this was pretty cool. I was looking for Santa's workshop, but couldn't see it.


posted on Oct 17, 2008 5:57 PM ()


Maybe you couldn't see it because of the magic.
comment by janetk on Oct 18, 2008 1:22 PM ()
What a trip. I'm enjoying the pictures.. thanks for sharing them. Your blog may be the closest I come to traveling abroad. Yuuummm... that gelato looks good and I love Heineken!
comment by anniel on Oct 18, 2008 1:04 PM ()
Beautiful place and happy memories.
comment by anacoana on Oct 18, 2008 12:03 PM ()
this may be the biggest world tour I ever get to experience. thank you
comment by firststarisee on Oct 18, 2008 9:55 AM ()
You will always cherished this moment.
They were wonderful shots there.
comment by fredo on Oct 18, 2008 7:15 AM ()
comment by jjoohhnn on Oct 17, 2008 6:46 PM ()
Thanks for sharing with us. What a beautiful city, and you are such a nice looking couple. Those caramel waffle things are so good. I have seen them in small towns that have a lot of people with ancestors from the Netherlands (like Pella, Iowa).
comment by troutbend on Oct 17, 2008 6:39 PM ()
yeah, I guess it would be nice to come back when you don't have a 9 to 5... how are the kitties?
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 17, 2008 6:36 PM ()
what a WONDERFUL montage of pictures!!! I am still in awe...
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 17, 2008 6:21 PM ()
Great pics. Greater memories!
comment by jondude on Oct 17, 2008 6:03 PM ()

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