With that said, believe me, we deleted more than our fair share of pictures on this trip... but there were still a few that somehow slipped through the cracks, and managed to make it back home with us.
These are the pictures that I quickly skip through when showing anyone the photos from our adventure. Many are also usually accompanied with a shrill "eek!" or a disgusted "blegh!"
However, I've decided to dedicate this post to Janetk who suggested that I should post some of my less than flattering pictures on here for all of you to see. ;)
So without further ado, here they are,(in my personal opinion) the bad and the ugly. (Actually, now that they're scaled way down, some of them don't look as bad as when they're full size... so you'll just have to please take my word for it.)
Apparently I was holding my fake smile for just a little too long.

I think I look kinda loopy in this picture. It's not the beer, it's the jetlag - really.

After missing our train to Salzburg by mere minutes, here we are during our two hour wait in an unairconditioned train station, with a nice sweaty sheen glistening across our faces. Sexy!

Eyes closed.

Taken the morning of our wedding, sans makeup... again, it seems that I've been holding that fake smile just a few seconds too long. Scary.

I look like I just sucked on a lemon. And what's up with that double chin? Have another bowl of gelato, Mel.

In Austria, all you have to say for your wedding vow is "yes". So here I am at the moment I'm saying "yes". Everyone seems to laugh when they see this picture, so I thought I should include it.

I had already signed the papers, but the photographer wanted a picture, so here I am pretending to sign them with the biggest fake smile eva. I guess that's why I don't like this picture... it just looks so phoney to me.

This could've been a nice picture if I were looking at the camera... instead I look like I have lazy eyes in this picture or something.

I was too paranoid about slipping on the slick stairs to bother posing for a nice picture.

What a weird looking face I have...

J was trying to do a neat perspective shot. Cool angle for the building -- not so cool angle for me.

One of those times where the camera has to think for a moment -- "Is the camera working?" *Click!* "Oh, I guess it is."

Take one.

Take two.

Um, Mel... the camera is *this* way.

Eyes closed again.

Smackin' my lips... or something?

I guess I was really concentrating on what I was filming.

The dozens of other poor photos (many much worse than these) have since been deleted from the camera, if not from our memories. ;)
Honestly Mel... they're simply great... even the fake smile ones. It's life!