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posted on Mar 19, 2008 11:40 AM ()
You don't owe them anything. I completely understand. And I would go Dutch. Say it's a joint celebration and just go and have a good time.
Both couples are engaged--both couples can go out to celebrate--and both couples pay their share--otherwise, graciously, decline or let J's mother treat the 4 of you!!!
As you have said, it's a little late in the game. I think that I lean toward thanking them profusely, but declining the offer while giving the saving for the wedding and honeymoon excuse. Parents should not be encouraged to influence actions; you are adults and should be able to live your own lives. It is time for the parents to sit back and let their adult children live their lives.
I agree with Jessies girl. You pay for the pizza and they can pay for the beer or movies. Keep it simple.
Good luck
Go along with the flow in the comment.They says it all.
You don't know me from Adam, so please excuse my butting in if you don't really mean what you said in your title.
My instinct would be to refuse absolutely to let them take you out, saying it's wonderful of them but both you and they are saving for weddings and so you couldn't dream of letting them. Behave as though it's an overgenerous impulse on their part and nothing else.
Okay, I'm totally with amerigobard on this one..."sometimes the status quo needs to be taken out behind the wood shed and beat on"...I would go out with them, when it suits you and ask for separate checks. Simple as dat. I know it's not that simple...but really..what's the point in taking them out and having them take you out, etc? Everyone's a grown up, everyone can pay for themselves.
geeeeeeeeeeeeeeez that's a lot. In all reality it's kinda like dating. They asked you to go out, they should pay. BUT if they don't offer I would pay my part, but just my part - unless it's a huge ordeal and they don't offer to pay their half. If you end up with the whole bill again, I would say to skip meals with these people til you are independently wealthy!