Holy cow... am I the only one here?
The office is like a freakin' ghost town this morning and it's already 8:30. I feel like the sound of my typing fingers must be echoing throughout the building.
I woke up in great spirits... no doubt due to yesterday's happy resolve. I dreamt that Johnny Depp had given J his contact info and was interested in helping us out with our movie. J wasn't going to contact him since we don't have a role for any hot men in our movie, (*sigh*) but I pushed J to meet with him anyway to see if there was anything he could do to help us. Now, why I didn't go with J to meet with Mr. Holy Hotness himself, is beyond me. I love that man!
Instead, while J met with JD, I found myself in London, England, shopping in thrift stores, (how very Janetk of me?!), trying to find something cool to bring home -- while reminding myself that a Pound is worth two Canadian dollars. Sheesh, even in my wild shopping spree dreams I force myself to be fiscally responsible. :oP
I didn't end up buying anything though, because nothing caught my eye. The shorts were too short, the skirts too loud, the purses too big and the belts too thick for my little belt loops... So my friends n' I headed to the next thrift store across the street. Once inside we realized that it was actually half a thrift store and half a restaurant. We sat down in a long red booth, when I noticed the Beatles sitting a few booths over, so I shimmied over to sit in the booth next to them so I could listen to them sing. A free concert -- how cool!
Then I woke up.... Dammit!!!
"Just five more minutes," I mumbled to J, who hit snooze and wrapped himself back around me.
I feel back into dream land for those last five minutes, finding myself wandering Portabello Row (?), just like they sing about in Bed Knobs and Broomsticks. (I haven't seen that movie in ages. Man, how I loved that groovy flying bed!) I was just in the midst of treasure hunting through dusty old books and random knickknacks... when the radio started singing again. *sigh*
Still, even when faced with the subtle disappointment that my arms were now bare of the treasures I had found, and that I didn't actually get to meet the Beatles or Johnny Depp, I was still in a kick a$$ mood.
I grabbed my book about Austria and practiced my German phrases on the way to work -- did you know that the literal translation of hospital is "sick house"? Once at work, I plunked myself down at my desk in a fantastic mood, doing a quick cruise through blogland and reading an article about animal hoarders. Facinating stuff.
A few of my co-workers just arrived a couple minutes ago and asked how my meeting went. They just told me that Manager wants to take us all out to lunch today. Very cool.
So on that note, it looks like it's going to be another great day. :o)