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Life & Events > Insert Foot into Mouth

Insert Foot into Mouth

I felt like such a jerk yesterday and it was completely unintentional. Don’t you just hate that?

Back in December, a Thai restaurant opened up in the building next to us. They have great food at a reasonable price, so obviously any time we go out to lunch, everyone always chooses to go there. However, since I find myself going out to lunch at least once or twice about every two weeks, the novelty is starting to wear off. So the other day when Manager asked where we wanted him to take us for lunch, I spoke up and said, “Anywhere except FakeNameThai.” My co-workers laughed. Fortunately, everyone felt the same way, but no one wanted to say anything since each of us assumed that no one else was sick of going there yet. We ended up eating at Swiss Chalet instead (with horribly slow service, I might add.)

So then yesterday J n’ I were invited out to lunch by a couple friends, and of course they suggested FakeNameThai. Quelle surprise! When we went there, J encouraged one of our friends to branch out and try a different dish instead of his usual entrée of choice. We discussed how we all practically had the menu memorized because it seems to be the only place anyone wants to go for lunch anymore. So of course, I shared the story about how I suggested we start mixing it up a little by going somewhere else now and then.

Well, wouldn’t you freakin’ know it, but of course just as I said, “Let’s go anywhere except FakeNameThai”, the waiter reached around from behind me to clear my plate. Sh*t!

I know what you're thinking. "No big deal," right? Well sure, if this were your typical chain restaurant, it totally wouldn’t be a big deal. Some teenager couldn’t care less if the restaurant they work for keeps your business or not. But FakeNameThai is different -- there are only three people who I ever see working there. There’s the old guy who owns it, a 30-something guy who manages it, and another guy who can’t really speak English who fills your water glass and occasionally takes your order. Not that we're best friends or anything, but we go there often enough that they've come to know us. And of course it was the manager who happened to clear my plate, and he heard every single word. My friends’ faces dropped as I tried to backpeddle to make it sound like I was talking about someone else. I felt like such a friggin’loser.

The manager is SO nice. He’s very friendly and always brings me an extra side of hot sauce without me even asking because he knows how I like things extra spicy. Gawd… why couldn’t it have been the guy who can’t speak English very well? (Not because he can’t speak English – but because he’s not the manager who is always so thoughtful.) Dammit.

My friends started to make fun of me after he walked away and I hoped that maybe… just maybe… he didn’t hear everything I had just said. But nope... Sure enough, only a few minutes later, the old man – the owner – came over and offered us all a free pot of jasmine tea. Ack! Great, now I feel really horrible. They’ve never offered us free tea before, so obviously it was a direct result of what I had just said. We all politely refused his offer as we had to get back to work. Red-faced, I sunk deep into my chair. I really didn’t mean to offend them or make them feel like I was sick of eating there. They have great food and great service. I should’ve just kept my mouth shut and waited until the next time someone invited us out to lunch before I suggested that we eat elsewhere.

So, while that was pretty embarrassing… things only managed to get worse. As we got ready to leave, my friend stumbled as he stood up from his seat. He tried to balance himself on the glass and wooden room divider beside him, but instead the wall tipped over and slammed onto the table next to us with an enormous CRASH. Fortunately it narrowly missed the two women sitting there -- a glass of water was the only victim. If those ladies were only a few more inches over, they would have been hurt for sure. It was also a good thing that the glass didn’t shatter or else our friend, who fell down on top of the divider, would have been pretty cut up himself. For such a large room divider, it sure isn’t stable! You’d think it would be bolted into the floor. This is the second time I’ve witnessed this happen. I saw another woman slip and knock it over a couple months ago too.

After the big scene, we all went up to pay for our meals, and the manager rang our bills through… I shouldn’t need to tell you that the tension was unbearably awkward. First I insult the restaurant by saying how everyone is sick of eating there, and then the place comes a shade away from a few casualties and a potential lawsuit.


I should’ve stuck to eating soup and crackers at my desk.

posted on Mar 20, 2008 10:51 AM ()


Okay, but isn't it a bit of a compliment for the restaurant if people are getting sick of eating there? It means that it's popular!I'm sorry that I giggled all the way through this post...
comment by janetk on Mar 27, 2008 12:04 PM ()
wow... have ya been back?
comment by kristilyn3 on Mar 25, 2008 4:17 PM ()
Too bad life doesn't have a rewind button.
comment by imaginaryfriend on Mar 25, 2008 1:57 PM ()
We have all been there kid! I personally have grown very fond of the taste of shoe leather. It is an acquired taste!!!!
Very funny post! Thanks for a good laugh!
By the way, to my meat-and-potatoes palate, "Good Thai Food" is more of an oxymoron than "jumbo shrimp."
comment by hayduke on Mar 25, 2008 9:41 AM ()
They will just spit in your food next time! NO biggie. But I sympathize and hate in when it rains it pours!
comment by frogfenatic on Mar 22, 2008 11:15 PM ()
Ah well, at least no one was hurt and you were not complaining about the food being terrible.
comment by wickedwitchofthewest on Mar 20, 2008 5:39 PM ()
Hey, it could have been worse--YOUR manager could have shown up!!!
comment by greatmartin on Mar 20, 2008 3:13 PM ()
Gosh, Mel! What can I say???? After the accident, the owner might be pleased to see you mixing it up some.Don't worry too much. I'm sure that he hears all kinds of things and has complaints thrown at him too.
comment by angiedw on Mar 20, 2008 11:57 AM ()
I sat at a Chinese restaurant once with my now ex and another couple and proceeded to explain how life was when I was a kid. "Eat every pea and carrot on your plate; people are starving in .... " Yup, I finished the sentence just as I saw the sleeve of the server reach for my empty plate. Not as bad as your situation, but it happens.
comment by jjoohhnn on Mar 20, 2008 11:22 AM ()

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