We've spent the majority of the week writing, and you wouldn't believe how the hours have whipped by in the process. I guess it's like they say, time flies when you're having fun. Each time I look up from the laptop, two hours have passed. It's crazy. On both Tuesday and Wednesday we ended up writing for almost 11 hours.
It has honestly felt like all we do is eat and write.
Get dressed. Have breakfast. Write. Make lunch. Write. Make dinner. Write. Take a bath. Write.
Oh wait, maybe I should say, eat, write and watch Cheers. We always watch a TV show on DVD whenever we eat. I don't know why we even have cable, because we almost never bother with it. Actually, I have never been much of a TV watcher in my adult life. I didn't have cable for years until moving in with J. And now that you can buy seasons of everything on DVD, well, that's all we really watch.
I have never seen an episode of House, Lost, Grey's Anatomy, Ugly Betty, or almost any popular new program that's come on the air in the last few years -- even though there are a few I'd be very interested in checking out, like The Office, 30 Rock or The New Adventures of Old Christine. (Yes, I realize that I'm totally missing out! I hear these shows are brilliant.)
With the exception of the occasional episode of Fraiser in bed, the only show I've watched on a regular basis has been 24. And that's only because J really enjoys it, so I agreed to get into it because he wanted to 'share it with me'. Aww. ;P
But after about three seasons of watching it together, I told him that I don't think I'm going to continue watching it this season when it comes back on the air. (Last season was cancelled due to Keifer doing a little time in jail.)
I guess what it really comes down to is that I resent planning my life by what's on TV. "Oh, its Monday night... we gotta get home! 24 is on!" I also don't like stopping what I'm doing just because I can't miss my show. A few times I'd be in the middle of painting and J would be badgering, "24 is on... aren't you going to watch it with me?" So I'd try to paint and watch at the same time, and he would constantly be giving me a play by play of what was happening every time I took my eyes off the screen. Argh. It drove me nuts.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I quite enjoyed the show. But at the same time, I could totally take it or leave it. I've never felt a bond to any particular program on TV, no matter how great it was. Maybe if we had a PVR or Tivo or one of those kinda things, I would watch more TV, because then I could just record the shows I wanted to check out, and watch them whenever I felt like it. Then again, as it is, I could always use our VCR to tape shows, but I just can't be bothered. So on that note, I guess I'll just stick to watching TV shows on DVD during lunch and dinner, and our usual movie in the evening. J n' I figure we must watch about 300 movies a year, because it seems that we watch one almost every night. (Which is probably the biggest reason why we don't bother with TV... we're always watching movies.)
So yes, as I was saying before this incredible tangent, I was grocery shopping at Superstore on Monday, and J was left to wander in the DVD section as usual, (because he hates grocery shopping), and he picked up a cheap season of Cheers. I haven't seen the show in years and we thought it might be fun to watch it for nostalgia sake.
It's really interesting to watch it A) as an adult, and B) in proper sequence. That Sam Malone sure is full of himself! I remember thinking that he fancied himself a real ladies man... but I guess I was still too young to really be in on the joke. Watching it now, episode after episode of him pulling the same desperate whore-dog shinanegans, I can't help but think, "Oh my gawd... Sam is such a total loser!" Ha.
You know who I really like though... Norm. As a kid I think I thought he was more of a beefy sloth, whose arse never left the barstool, where as now I see him more as a funny sweetheart -- whose arse never leaves the barstool. Although I commented to J today that I think George Wendt is how Jonah Hill will look when he gets older. What do you think?

Okay, maybe not so much... but a lil' bit. George looks like he could at least be Jonah's uncle.
Another aspect I've come to appreciate with my new-found love of Cheers, is that since it was in constant syndication when I was a kid, I've now had the pleasure of working in a pub that was practically identical in environment and tone. I feel like I know all these charcters in real life.
Rebecca would be Kate, the owner's daughter who managed the joint. She could have a heart if she wanted to... but for the most part, she was often very sarcastic and bossy. She could be a real bitch if rubbed the wrong way.
While I'd say Sam reminds me of Graham, our head bartender, in all reality he is probably more of a Greg -- a waiter I worked with who was also a perverted loser, but always good for a laugh.
Carla reminds me of Christina, a short n' feisty waitress who wouldn't hestitate to tell it like it is... (especially after hours once she had a few drinks. Whew!)
Norm is kind of a combination of Bruce's appearance (only Norm has better teeth) and kind John's personality.
Cliff is sort a cross between the Nutman, with his interesting trivia, and Dave, who was kind of weird and had a way of easily annoying everyone.
Fraiser was like Buttner, only Buttner was far more pompous.
Hmm... who else? I don't know if we had a Woody. One of our regulars, Shank, was kind of a Woody, in that he was pretty sweet and looked vaguely similar (in the same distant kind of way that I think George Wendt and Jonah Hill look alike.)
Huh... For someone who started this post with nothing interesting to say, I sure went on a good long ramble about Cheers, didn't I? Not that me blabbing on about Cheers is all that interesting. Maybe I should rename the title of this post to Cheers... then again, maybe not.