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Jobs & Careers > Aluminum Tastes like Fear

Aluminum Tastes like Fear

There is a lyric in the REM song, E-Bow the Letter, that has always stuck with me. The line is, "Aluminum, tastes like fear".

I don't know if it's something that any of you have ever noticed, but that's something I've always thought myself. So when I first heard that lyric, I thought it was pretty interesting... I thought it was just me who got that tinny taste in my mouth when I was frightened or something scared the bejesus out of me. I guess it happens to others as well.

So why do I have that taste in my mouth right now?

Probably because I just finished writing this email:

Hi there New VP,

I was hoping that I could schedule a one-on-one meeting with you sometime tomorrow? Whatever time works for you, works for me!


And now I can feel my stomach twist and tighten into all kinds of knots, as though a troup or sailors or Girl Guides just set up camp. My lunch is unsettled. Next to me, my leftover soup grows cold, as bubbles of condensation collect beneath its plastic lid.

I feel gross. Actually, I almost feel like I'm going to be sick... all because I'm on the verge of giving my notice... well, kind-of.

Yes, all this time I've been unintentionally preoccupying myself with this fun series of posts about spirituality, when behind the scenes all kinds of stuff has been taking place.

Lawyers are drafting papers as we speak. Tomorrow, or perhaps Monday we'll sign the dotted line, and soon after we will be provided with the first installment of our development funding.

It's exciting times, but also scary times.

Because the funding is about 1/5 less than what we make now after taxes, J n' I are hoping to negotiate to do 8 - 10 hours of contract work each week. (Which has been done by others many times before. Seems our company would rather negotiate than lose you altogether.) This contract work will not only subsidize our income, but depending on how we play our cards, it might also give us a little extra, which would be nice to put towards this weddingmoon debt, start saving for a down-payment on a house, or pay for any trips to Vancouver or LA to meet the producers we've been speaking with.

And yet, this is where I start feeling really queasy.

While I'm pretty confident that the company will agree to allow me to do contract work... I just don't know how it'll all pan out. The fact is, I am currently underpaid for what I do. The national wage average for my position is much higher than what I make now. So my co-workers tell me that this is a great time to negotiate the hourly rate I deserve -- "Do not let them take advantage of you!" Yesterday a co-worker of mine who does contract work for us disclosed what she charges, and encouraged me not to be afraid to ask for the same.

It is a fair wage, and New VP seems like a fair man.

Still, I don't know... I'm really not good with this sort of thing. I know I'm our only writer. I know we're gearing up for our busiest time of year. I know that any time someone quits, it takes a good 6 months to a year (seriously!!!) for the company to get its sh*t together and fill the position -- IF they bother filling it at all. We are a skeleton crew, and I like to think I am in a good position to ask for what I want.

...But that doesn't mean it's not scary.

It shouldn't be scary. It should be thrilling.

Yet, my lunch sits heavy in the pit of my stomach. My breathing deepens, filling my lungs to their fullest capacity. And a trace of aluminum still lines my mouth.

Okay, enough with the procrastination... I'm posting this article and then clicking "send" on my letter to VP.

Wish me luck!

posted on July 17, 2008 2:52 PM ()


Congrats Mel... I feel so far behind! Hope all went well and that you finally are paid what you are worth!
comment by frogfenatic on Aug 2, 2008 12:05 AM ()
No, it should be scary. You are embarking on an major undertaking into the great unknown, and any reasonable human being would be a little scared. The alternative is complacency and spending the rest of your life wondering "what might have happened."
You are doing the right thing. As frightening as it is right now, it should also be exciting and freeing!
Look at it this way; what is the absolute worst that could happen? You could fail. That's it. So what? You can find another job at some point if you have to. You're young. This is the time to do these things?
And what is the best that can happen? You know the answer to that.
So, is it worth the gamble? You know the answer to that too!
Go for it!!!!!
comment by hayduke on July 21, 2008 9:48 AM ()
It IS thrilling...and most of the time, something thrilling feels scary, Mel.Being nervous means that it's important to you....and while it feels a bit uncomfortable, it's really not a bad thing. Ask, believe, receive, remember? Get ready for the receiving.
comment by janetk on July 20, 2008 11:41 AM ()
That first step is always the hardest...but I know you'll do fine. Remember chin up...boobs out...deep breath, and take that step..*hugs tight*
comment by elfie33 on July 18, 2008 9:01 AM ()
oh that's just so exciting!!! It is scary for sure... but it will all be so worth it! And I am betting they will give you what you want... ah to be in your position!
comment by kristilyn3 on July 18, 2008 6:51 AM ()
My gut is telling me that they will give you what ever you ask for.
And my gut is always right. I'll introduce you someday.
comment by meranda on July 18, 2008 6:40 AM ()
Good Luck Mel, I believe everything will work out as it should.

If I may, I'd like to tell you a short story about my husband negotiating a "contract" work agreement over 9 years ago. The headhunter asked my husband what he wanted to make? As in salary/wages etc. My husband simply replied 75 (My husband wanted 75,000.00 per year in salary) The headhunter obviously thought my husband meant $75.00 per HOUR. Since companys generally pay about $150.00 per hour for IT specialists, the headhunter was fine with $75.00 per hour to my husband Soooooooooooooooo, imagine OUR SURPRISE when the contract came in the mail for my hubby to sign with $75.00 per hour as the wage. Add that up... that was over $156,000.00 that first year (My husband would get overtime too, can you even freakin believe that?)

Hubby had that contract job for about 18 months, and it came just at the time we were buying and furnishing our home. We paid cash for everything and would joke about wanted something and my husband would say "oh that's 15 minutes of work, or whatever.

After the contract work was up, the company that he was contracting for wanted my husband as their full time salaried employee. Needless to say, the money was much less than the contracting job, but with that, my husband got job security, 401k & health benefits, 4 weeks of vacation each year and many more perks (to offset the decrease in pay that this company knew my husband was sacrificing)

He still works there today. Sorry about the novel, but I know deep down, you don't really care, right )
comment by shesaidwhat on July 18, 2008 5:09 AM ()
Ahh the metallic taste of fear. Yes I’ve tasted that before.

I’ll be thrilled for you Mel!!!

This IS exciting and it may just work out better than you ever dreamed! You make sure you tell him how good you are-damn straight!

I’m submitting my best wishes to the WishFairy right now for you...
comment by dazeymae on July 17, 2008 5:20 PM ()
Good luck! Just go in there expecting the increase. Don't smell desprete, and if you ever think about saying that you will go elsewhere if they don't give the increase...mean it. Anyone in your VP's position can smell lies and desperation like farts in a car! Just go in Knowing you Deserve it and that you know your are going to get it, and chances are he can tell that from you as well!
comment by ducky on July 17, 2008 3:04 PM ()

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