If I hear one more suggestion from someone who knows nothing of what they are talking about I will scream! Yesterday a woman told me I should knit hats for babies and toddlers because her friend in Nanaimo knits nothing but little hats that look like watermelons, berries and cupcakes and they sell really well. She made it sound like her friend designed the hats herself but free patterns for those items are all over the internet. Another told me leg warmers are very popular. I should be knitting leg warmers for my craft booth. I wanted to ask if she, a fifty-something, overweight woman with legs like the mighty oak, would buy them but I managed to restrain myself. Last week someone said I should be knitting hair scrunchies. Lady, if you want hair scrunchies go to a dollar store. All I can do is act like, *WOW! What a great suggestion. I will definitely have those on my craft table next year. Thank you so much.* Actually, I'm sure I come across more like, *deadpan eyes with tight, little smile through clenched teeth saying, I should think about that." and thinking, "But I won't."*
Oh, and I have a special message for all those smokers who stand within six feet of my booth, puffing away. "F.O."

No one bought any last year either.