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Parenting & Family > Pets > Cat Hater

Cat Hater

The dog lady has been talking to the local rag and she has sunk even lower than just being a dog lover. She is, in actuality, a cat hater. The following are excerpts from an article regarding feral cats and her letter regarding the city giving the SPCA money to build chicken coops.

The dog lady

said a neighbour who lived across the street used to house 17 cats, letting them roam free in the neighbourhood. This wreaked havoc on

the dog lady's

garden, caused problems with her dogs and caused bird carcasses to be regularly on her property.

She spent more than $1,000 removing soil from her front yard, replacing it with gravel after the spot became a toilet for loose felines in the area.

"They come into our yard and leave their droppings and dogs eat it," she said, adding that the feces made her dogs sick. "It can very costly and painful."

The dog lady

believes cats should be subject to the same expectations as dogs while outside.

"I think that cats need to be under the same disciplines as dogs, and that's on a leash," she said.

SEVENTEEN cats??? I think I might have noticed that. They actually only had four cats which were rarely in my yard.
I really must have a peek at her front yard to see where this $1,000 worth of gravel was placed.
Her breed of dogs is well known for eating the feces of any animal, not just cats.
I would like to see her put harnesses and leashes on my


And when the city starts looking at its zoning laws, and under kennels that are for dogs, perhaps, it might want to look at catteries and where they should be allowed. And they might want to put the number of household pets one is allowed under the bylaws.

As for the feral cat population, as harsh as this might sound, capture and euthanize. Most are sick anyway and are not getting enough food. Studies have been done on how few song birds we now have due to the murdering cats. You can spay and neuter and release, but the problem will still exist. They burrow under buildings, leave their filth behind and are full of internal and external parasites. Who needs them.

As for pet cats, why should they have to right to roam the streets, getting into other people's gardens and leaving their crap behind? And they too need to be licenced. Or build a cattery off one of your windows in your house and let them go and be safe and less annoying than when they are allowed to roam free. How would you cat owners like it if I let my dog crap on your lawns or gardens?

She calls herself a responsible dog owner but when she's leaving her house for any length of time she puts them outside to bark and bark and bark, destroying any possible enjoyment of a nice summer day for all her neighbours.
She flagrantly disregards the law with respect to how many pets each household is allowed by owning at least three or more dogs at a time.
I didn't realize starlings and sparrows had been placed on the endangered species list.
"Who needs them." Spoken like a true cat hater.
By all means, let's licence all cats because you just never know. You could be walking down the street, innocently minding your own business, when an overly protective guard cat leaps out and bites you in the ass.

posted on Jan 22, 2014 2:51 PM ()


As if a good number of dog owners don't actually walk up to strangers' yards and let their **leashed** dog(s) do their business.
comment by troutbend on Jan 22, 2014 6:59 PM ()
comment by jjoohhnn on Jan 22, 2014 6:48 PM ()
Good grief, I am glad she is not my neighbor! I have 8 cats that are strictly inside babies, a pit bull and a mixed mutt and they all live in harmony in the house. Well, maybe that's stretching the truth a little because my 115 lb. pittie is intimidated by the cats. I am sure the cat hater would be horrified that I have so many cats in my house.
comment by gapeach on Jan 22, 2014 6:09 PM ()
We don't let my homies out the door. They get run ober by cars and firetrucks. And the kittiez don't bark when the mail lady brings my daDDy the bills he must pay, either.
comment by hobbie on Jan 22, 2014 3:15 PM ()
So well said, my dear. Cats are so vicious that her poor sissy dogs probably aren't safe. Love it!
comment by elderjane on Jan 22, 2014 3:08 PM ()

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