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Life & Events > Thomas the Train

Thomas the Train

So as I think I mentioned before, my parents decided to sell the lake house that we had in the family for 33 years. My parents are very happy about this sale while us kids are still quite sad over it... But that makes sense, since they paid all the taxes (VERY HIGH) and did all the maintenance, while we just came to visit for a week or two. Anyways, the parents promised we would take a family trip once a year still and we could go anywhere we wanted, and not be tied down to the same place. Where did we go this past summer? Keuka Lake. Where are we going next summer? Keuka Lake. Tomfoolery. But we all love it there and personally I am looking forward to going back.

We rented our old house this past summer from the new owners... and while we were there we found a Thomas the train toy in some bushes right off the front porch. This has become a most beloved toy for Miss Skylar, he sometimes even sleeps with her! She loves him.

Here's the twist.

I found out through an old neighbor that a lady killed in Elmira, NY had rented the cottage just before us with her two young kids and husband. The husband has been in and out of jail due to his part in the murder, I guess they think it's a murder for hire case at this point? Not entirely sure and it all isn't out yet...

But the fact that Skylar constantly plays with what is most likely this little boys toy train haunts me. A lot.

I did some research and found out that the murder victim's sister has custody now. I sent her a FB message, but I know from experience if someone you don't know sends you a message it almost always ends up in the "other messages" folder, which most people don't even know exists. Soooo I felt like I was at a loss... I just wanted to offer to either send this train back to this 3 yo boy or buy him a new one.

Then I talked to our very own Spicy B who had the idea of sending a donation via go fund me. I knew that there had been one set up, so I looked into it. It had been closed and was asking for donations to be sent directly to a bank. I wanted to send a letter explaining what the deal was to the sister - in case she wants the original train back so I emailed the person who set up the go fund me account. Luckily I heard back within 24 hours and have the sisters address! I have sent my letter and a check to her - fully explaining things - and hoping the check will either be cashed or I will be sending this train to her...

I don't know why this weighed so heavily on me. I asked my mom about it and a few friends, and they all said the same thing, by now he probably has a new one and doesn't even remember this etc. etc. etc., but I just don't know. What if it was a super special toy to him like it is to Skylar? What if it was a present from his mom for some special occasion? I can't fathom either of her kids missing anything other than their momma right now.

Anyways! At this point I have done what I can in the matter. I also am wondering if I am going to come across as not quite "all there" for being so concerned over a tiny toy train. Regardless, the letter is in the mail and that is that.

In other news, the babies are crazy and keeping me busy. Much love to all of you!

posted on Oct 22, 2015 10:19 AM ()


you have a good heart, Kris. I think it is verah cool that you would bother.

yer impressed pal
comment by honeybugg on Oct 28, 2015 3:32 AM ()
No word yet but I will see if she cashed the check.
reply by kristilyn3 on Oct 28, 2015 6:11 AM ()
I'm glad it worked out. I would have done the same. Like John said, it's how YOU feel, not what anyone else thinks about it.
comment by troutbend on Oct 22, 2015 9:59 PM ()
Thank you for the support! I'm assuming she thinks I'm a crazy person because I haven't heard anything ... But I will check my bank to see if the check was cashed
reply by kristilyn3 on Oct 28, 2015 6:11 AM ()
"Follow your bliss" - Joe Campbell
comment by jjoohhnn on Oct 22, 2015 5:09 PM ()
reply by kristilyn3 on Oct 28, 2015 6:10 AM ()
It was haunting and now it is off your mind and you have done every
thing you can to solve the problem. Hugs to the little darlings and one
for you as well.
comment by elderjane on Oct 22, 2015 12:38 PM ()
I haven't heard anything but will check my bank to see if the check was cashed.
reply by kristilyn3 on Oct 28, 2015 6:08 AM ()
YAY! Glad I could help and hopefully you will now be at peace. Much love and kisses!
comment by spicybitch on Oct 22, 2015 10:30 AM ()

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