So, I went with my friend to a prenatal yoga class. Randy close your eyes. I am out of shape so I figured I should really get into this, especially since I heard it wasn't hard and it really helps. So I attempted it. It was fun, overall. I learned that I still don't know my right from my left and that my balance is sub par, and also that there are a TON of muscles my body has that I have not used in some time. Ouchy! But it also feels good... I will continue on with it just for the stretching and breathing aspect of it...
We are going to a free workshop in MD today about aging dogs and how to help and manage them. My Kraymerica is getting up there, he's 9 and 95 pounds, which makes him a senior. We were also supposed to go visit my aunt and uncle and cousin's family up in Gettysburg since they were camping there, we were just going to stop by for a fewhours to say hi, but they are packing it up and heading out today due to Frankenstorm threats... I think that is wise, since my cousin has a 2 year old, better to be safe than sorry, right?
Ron is outside fighting with the leaves right now. Poor guys is fighting a losing battle. They are falling like rain these days and as soon as he clears a section of the lawn it's covered again.
Here are some pics!

And here you can see the current leaf battle Ron has undertaken...

Happy weekend peeps!