I have never been this large in my life. I think I will need to lose about 70 pounds by the time this is over. EEK! I gained 50 with Skylar (I earned every pound but I was ALWAYS hungry) and I am still always hungry this time, but trying to keep it healthier. I had only wanted to gain 20 this time but I have just hit that mark with two months left, so that was a nice pipe dream. Alas, I will have a lot of weight to lose after this baby boy joins us! BUT not as much.
My legs and feet cramp, especially at night. It's pretty painful to wake up to! My hands are always falling asleep at night as well. I was wearing a wrist brace for a bit because of wrist pain but it's feeling better now, I just hope it continues to stay that way. Apparently there is a thing called Pregnancy carpel tunnel. Yay!
The sudden shooting pains in my lower region are getting old quickly. Practice for labor? Doesn't my body know I have scheduled a c-section for it? Apparently not. Sigh. I was going to try for a VBAC but when the doc told me I had a higher change of my uterus ripping I quickly said "C-section it is".
And the little miss.... she has grown to HATE diaper changes, she throws tantrums on the changing table which can lead to quite messy outcomes if I don't have a good hold of her after a poo. Joyous! Motherhood.
I sometimes wonder why I thought a second one would be a great idea? I mean, I do think it will be awesome but there are certain days/hours/minutes when I think - remember when I could lie on the couch with the dogs without interruption for hours? Go to dinner with a friend without thinking twice? Make weekend get away plans without blinking an eye? Ah, those days are gone. But don't get me wrong. I adore my little lady and wouldn't trade her for the world. It's just sometimes those days/hours/minutes are a bit trying... I am sure you understand!
The renovation has started and the dogs love to bark! They bark at people, trucks, birds, nothing, mail drop offs, anything they think might wake the baby up. It's a good time. BUT in good news in a month or so we will have proper bedrooms and a bathroom for the wee ones, so it's worth it.
Ok, I sound like a Debbie Downer and I am truly not feeling like one in the least - so - I hope you all have a fantastic Thursday and I will catch ya later!