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Life & Events > The Honeymoon of Sickness ...

The Honeymoon of Sickness ...

yup. R was sick for the first leg of the trip, I was sick for the latter half. I even caused us to stay an extra night in Orlando due to puking every half hour the morning we were supposed to leave.

So, we arrived in Orlando and I was feeling great! We went from the airport to dinner with teacherwoman and her family. SO MUCH FUN! She then gave us a ride back to Disney which seemed like a huge huge huge place, and we were so grateful for not having to pay that cab fare. After that we met up with his parents and family and grabbed a couple drinks with his brother and sis in law. Good times. The next day we went to Universal - AWESOME! We met up with teacherwoman again... so much fun! We rode a rollercoaster and saw the Shrek film. Fun! Annnnd Bubba Gump's makes an awesome lemonade I tell ya! Here's a pic of R in Forrest Gump's shoes:

hehe Isn't he cute? :-P

Once we got on the cruise R was feeling a bit better and I was starting to feel a bit worse. We had a lot of fun, but I really wish we hadn't felt like crap.

On Friday we went to Dolphin Cay in Atlantis (in Nassau) and had a FANTASTIC day as Trainers for a day. It was amazing. I will post pics of that day once I get them! When we got back to the boat we ran down to Senor Frogs and met up with my friend Wasted and his wife. We had discovered we would both be on the island on Friday - how random is that??? Good times.

The worst part comes Sunday morning. I puked before we went down to breakfast. I was hurtin big time. I had a few bites of dry toast. It wasn't going down well. We then got on the bus to go to the airport and I puked twice in the bus bathroom. Have you ever puked in a bus bathroom? It is not pleasant at all.

Once we got to the airport R asked me if I was gonna be ok, and I was trying to suck it up and said I could do it and that they had barf bags on planes for a reason. After we checked in I told R I needed to lay down for a bit, so we found some empty carpet near a bathroom (which I insisted we be near a bathroom) and after laying down for a short time I was up and in the bathroom puking. I came back out and told R I couldn't do it. I had to stay - I told him he could go but he didn't, he didn't want to leave me alone as sick as I was. Dear boy.

We then went back to Jetblue to change our flight and try to get our bags back. We were told that if I got a doctors note that I couldn't fly then we wouldn't be charged for changing the flight. Luckily for me there is an Urgent Care in the Orlando airport - so off we went.

In the doc office I told one of the nurses where the bathroom was in case I needed to puke, he handed me a blue barf bag. Good times. The doc came in and did all the things docs do. He told me my stomach was going crazy. I said I believed that because I felt like crap. He said I had some intestinal virus, gave me a shot in the butt to help my tummy and a note saying I wasn't clear to fly until a recheck the next day. We then went back to jet blue and they issued us tickets for the next day - semi unofficially.

So off we went to the Hyatt in the airport. I proceeded to sleep ALL day. I woke up to eat something light and then went back to sleep. I woke up again later and asked for more food. haha I was starving and my tummy was feeling like it could handle it. Anywho - I slept a TON and it was fantastical.

Low and behold we got home a day late. I was soooo glad I didn't try to fly. I think I would have hurled on the tram to the terminal and then repeatedly on the plane. The smell of anything and everything made me sick.

Alas, our honeymoon was not ideal, but we had fun in spite of it - for the most part!

This is quite a novel, but one more thing! I start my part time job tomorrow. EEEEEK! I have so enjoyed unemployment. Seriously. But reality is back.

Happy Tuesday peeps!

posted on June 15, 2010 7:53 AM ()


This was an interesting story. Next time get some antibiotic from your doctor and anti nausea stuff. We always do that and take immodium as well. Just in case, but fortu nately we haven't had to use our remedies.
Cruises are too much fun to give up.
comment by elderjane on June 16, 2010 6:15 AM ()
I am an idiot. haha It was nausea.
reply by kristilyn3 on June 17, 2010 10:11 AM ()
I don't think it was nausea... I agree that cruises are too much fun to give up!!!
reply by kristilyn3 on June 17, 2010 10:10 AM ()
Holy cow, you and R sick on your honeymoon. Ya'll will just have to plan another trip on your one year anniversary to make up for this one. Glad you are both better.
comment by gapeach on June 15, 2010 6:49 PM ()
Yeah, we want to go on a bigger and better honeymoon in the future, although at that point it will prolly just be a trip.
reply by kristilyn3 on June 15, 2010 6:52 PM ()
In the years, and decades to come, this will be a cherished story to tell your friends, kids, and some day grand kids.
Good to hear from you.
comment by saito56 on June 15, 2010 6:27 PM ()
kids and grandkids? who?
Yeah, it's a good story indeed...
reply by kristilyn3 on June 15, 2010 6:43 PM ()
Sorry you had to be sick on your honeymoon. That sucks. BUT happy you made the best of it and that R is a good hubby and took good care of you.
comment by sexysadie on June 15, 2010 6:01 PM ()
He is good. I really didn't expect him to stay, but in retrospect I am very glad he did since he got me drinks and food... Good thing he enjoys airports though or he woulda been bored outta his skull as I slept alllll day long!
reply by kristilyn3 on June 15, 2010 6:42 PM ()
okay this explain it.Was not sure it was before the trip.
That is one of the reason that I do not like to take a cruise with so many illness that happened there.But that is life.I will continued to fly to my destination.
comment by fredo on June 15, 2010 2:38 PM ()
I like cruises still... I am not a fan of flying really - I like to be able to move.
reply by kristilyn3 on June 15, 2010 4:05 PM ()
all in all with all the sickness there,that things turned out fine.
A bit confusing,did you get sick before leaving for your flight?
If so how did you catch the virus there?just asking.
I thought maybe something that you ate and had food posioning.
But then things turned out well for you both.
A great time with Deb.Now back to reality.
Glad that your back and keep us informed on your new part time job.
Hello to RA
comment by fredo on June 15, 2010 10:28 AM ()
Yes, I was sick Sunday morning and we were supposed to fly back Sunday at 1pm. The doc thought I got it on the cruise since it started while I was still on the boat... Annnd I don't hafta start the new part time job til Monday now. WAHOO!
reply by kristilyn3 on June 15, 2010 2:03 PM ()
I'm glad you had fun, vomiting aside. One of your best qualities is the fun you have even in trying situations. Don't ever change that. And welcome back, we missed you.
comment by troutbend on June 15, 2010 10:11 AM ()
awe! Thanks! I missed so many posts while I was gone... I have a lot to catch up on!
reply by kristilyn3 on June 15, 2010 2:02 PM ()

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