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Parenting & Family > Motherhood > And Hello Again

And Hello Again

Well of course things have been busy here... The kids are growing and we are all aging.. my Kraymer has been on my mind of late though, he is limping pretty badly and is on a million pills it seems (carprofen, Gabepentin, Tramadol, Dasaquin). I will do anything to help him I just do not want to push him past the point of him being comfortable, if that makes sense. I asked Ron if he thought Kraymer was suffering, Ron said no, so I will trust that. My Kraymer is still a happy guy for the most part, just very picky and finicky in his older age! That and the limp... I hate the limp.... he is seeing an acupuncturist and his reg vet... we are in the process of getting him used to going to the bathroom on some sod on the porch of the upper level of the house, in the hopes that less stairs will help him out. Ah, the pups. I adore my little man though. Always have always will.

My original baby...


The kids. Well at the moment they are driving me a bit batty and it's rare when I have a few moments to relax, but I suppose that is what motherhood is. I do love it but there are times I think - why did I do this to myself? But then they make me laugh or I just look at them and my heart swells and I realize it's all worth it. Skylar has taken to eating ketchup with her fingers and Sawyer Joe won't eat anything and still prefers the breast, even though the breast isn't really working anymore! He's adjusting though.

Here are pics of each of them.

My little Sawyer Joe:


And of course Miss Skylar, who uses everything as a phone (even though we rarely use our phones this way? Ha):


I hope everyone is well. I have been trying to keep up on here but I admittedly don't make it here as often as I should. Happy Monday!

posted on Mar 30, 2015 9:45 AM ()


very cute kids, Kris. Skylar bears a faint resemblence to our Daisy May when she was a toddler. Daisy is going to be 11 in Oct. sheesh. its kinda heartbreaking to watch our pets, whom we love like children, getting older and having health issues. wish there was a magic potion to return them to their former health.

yer been there pal
comment by honeybugg on Apr 23, 2015 1:48 AM ()
You know it....
reply by kristilyn3 on Apr 23, 2015 5:24 AM ()
I'd much prefer that Benny had a limp instead of repeated lumps on his head that push his eyelids closed. He pulled through again tho. On the third day of antibiotics his tail was up and wagging and he was back to normal. The old guy has more lives than a cat. Animals are resilient and I suspect that the limp bothers you more than it bothers the Big K.
comment by jjoohhnn on Mar 31, 2015 4:25 PM ()
Awe poor Benny! But I'm glad he's pulling thru. Kraymer is my lumpy bumpy old man... He's had three removed already but I don't think I will put him thru that again! Love the babies.
reply by kristilyn3 on Mar 31, 2015 7:31 PM ()
My cousin who has all the kids had breast reduction surgery back when she was younger because she is very religious and didn't want guys admiring her. I never saw her pre-reduction, but she's very tall, so might have looked like Barbie. She was warned it could affect breast feeding, and sure enough, it does. But she uses some system of bag and tubes that fools her babies into thinking it's really breast feeding - for the bonding, etc.
comment by troutbend on Mar 31, 2015 10:49 AM ()
Wow! Never heard of anything like that!
reply by kristilyn3 on Mar 31, 2015 7:28 PM ()
So cute.
comment by hobbie on Mar 31, 2015 6:34 AM ()
Thank you!
reply by kristilyn3 on Mar 31, 2015 7:27 PM ()
I share your concern for Kraymer. Rex is nine and getting pretty grey.
The kids are precious and they grow up all too soon. I cried when
Bobby went to Kindergarten because he was the baby. Skylar looks like
Ron and Sawyer looks like you. Wish I could baby sit for you.
comment by elderjane on Mar 31, 2015 6:00 AM ()
Yes because you need more on your plate at the moment...
It's hard to watch the pups age, that's for sure... And yeah I might cry dropping Skylar at preschool next fall.
reply by kristilyn3 on Mar 31, 2015 6:12 AM ()

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