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Farm Sanctuary


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Life & Events > Fun Fun

Fun Fun

Well the weekend of course was great. SB and I had a lot of fun at the Farm Sanctuary walk - there was a scary clown there for some reason, and once he learned that you didn't like him he would hover over you and not leave you alone. So guess what happened? He sensed I didn't care for him and wouldn't leave us alone. Good times. Other than that the walk was fun. There were a lot of people! They also had a raffle at the end and both SB and I won something which is uncanny! There were like 5 prizes for about 50 people and we both won. I had to give my prize up though - it was 2 weeks free of pet sitting but the service area was only in DC. Bummer, but I did make the person I gave it to very happy! :0)

R had a fun weekend as well... I was glad to have him back last night though! Normalcy has returned to my humble abode. hehe

I have an interview tomorrow morning EARLY. Bleh! But we shall see. I am not really qualified for the position but they contacted me so I will go to see what's up! Why not right?

I hope you all had a great weekend! I am bummed it's Monday of course, but next week I have a 4 day work week then a BIRTHDAY and the week after that is Vegas, so this is my last full week for a little bit. Exciting times!

posted on Sept 22, 2008 7:39 AM ()


Was the Farm Sanctuary walk a fund-raising thing? What's your link?
comment by stiva on Sept 23, 2008 8:26 AM ()
Hope the interview goes well. Yip it is indeed birthday time again, mine is just before yours but I am sure we can still get away with saying we will be 24 instead of 34!!
comment by jensgems on Sept 23, 2008 4:07 AM ()
comment by writerproducer on Sept 22, 2008 3:34 PM ()
It must be nice to have R. back. Sorry the clown was intrusive.
comment by elderjane on Sept 22, 2008 2:15 PM ()
We did have fun! Boo to Crazy Clowns. Not a fan. I think if I had said one more time. I can't stand that guy... HAHA. Thanks.
comment by spicybitch on Sept 22, 2008 1:38 PM ()
Weekends are always, always funLove itTry and have a good Monday, I know it's hard but we must try
comment by starlite on Sept 22, 2008 12:08 PM ()
Sunday here was walk with the animals.They had a great day.
Mucho money we liked that.
comment by fredo on Sept 22, 2008 11:12 AM ()
Glad the walk went well. I'm sorry I wasn't able to contribute this year - my job kinda pays me crap.
comment by hawkwoman on Sept 22, 2008 10:51 AM ()
You know me too well! And I'm so VERY PROUD of you for doing that walk to raise money for something that you believe very strongly in. It's great that you are doing more than just talking about it!
comment by sexysadie on Sept 22, 2008 10:26 AM ()
I swear you're always going on trips.
comment by mrsstu on Sept 22, 2008 8:49 AM ()
Congrats on the walk! And I'm sure that the company must see potential in you that we all know is definitely there. Maybe there's room to learn on the job if you aren't qualified - yet.
I overslept, so my Monday is off to a late start... unfortunately I did not oversleep for work. LOL
comment by sexysadie on Sept 22, 2008 7:51 AM ()

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