I want to start a grass roots organization. Perhaps even a political pac. The title I like for it is E.N.O.U.G.H. as in I've had enough of this bull crap from politicians. THEY work for US!!! They have forgotten that! The Supreme Court, District courts etc are SUPPOSED to interpret laws, NOT MAKE THEM!
We're out of freaking money, I've had ENOUGH of their wasteful spending (pork). The list is long, you can add your own to the list but I think "WE THE PEOPLE", need to somehow let these yahoo's know we're done putting up with their nonsense! It seems all they understand is when LARGE Pac's talk, they better listen!
The point of the post is to get you to help me come up with the combination of the right words that would spell out E.N.O.U.G.H.
Have fun with it....who knows, maybe we'll "git er done!"

Just my opinion,