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Politics & Legal > For What It's Worth

For What It's Worth

    I shouldn't write a post today. I'm too distraught. People are making me crazy. Its like the whole world's common sense has been somehow sucked up in to the stratosphere.
    I'm a truck driver for crying out loud. Some of you are teacher's, lawyer's, PH freaking D's!
    Some quick things that bother me. That seem to suggest common sense is lacking in our society.
     Burouk Obama. This insane love affair some of you are having with him. Have you HEARD Wright....Meeks? He is OBVIOUSLY RACIST! There are so many reason's NOT to elect this man that I'm amazed that he is even a contender, much less possibly our next Commander in Chief! You're GONNA get CHANGE here alright!!!!
   Global warming/climate change. Can you REALLY NOT see what is happening here?? It will cost us untold millions AND IT"S A SCAM!!!!
   Communism is alive and well. In my article "My fellow Comrade's...uh...Americans" I SHOWED how the A.C.L.U. is a communist organization, and was berated by people I RESPECT.....CAN YOU NOT READ????
   I honestly think America is doomed to the scrap heap of history. If you folks on the left don't wake up to what's going on and quit this America bashing bull-crap. We are ALL going to suffer for your childishness!
   Thanks to you liberals, we didn't win Korea, we lost Vietnam and are likely going to lose Iraq, do you have no feelings at all for YOUR country?? That's all for now. I have more but I'm in a pissy mood and it will not be pretty if I continue!!

Just my opinion,

posted on Apr 9, 2008 4:57 PM ()


What we have here this weekend, brainless protesters demonstrating against the Thunder Air Show; all of the military's best flying fighting machines, that has provided the freedoms for these idjuts to be allowed to protest!!!
comment by oldfatguy on Apr 11, 2008 4:41 PM ()
And just realize, if you had graduated from Harvard or Yale etc, or any other Ivy League bastion of "higher education," you would be so brain-washed and absolutely stupid that you would not know or comprehend the truths which you have just written.
comment by oldfatguy on Apr 10, 2008 5:06 PM ()
Well doesn't the price of diesel bother you?I was once blinded by the'll recover...
comment by strider333 on Apr 9, 2008 8:46 PM ()
Ummm--and both Bush's have done great??? I don't think so. Sorry BUT it isn't just the liberals--the right is doing a lot of harm--maybe if EVERYONE took the blame, took responsibility--like blaming the liberals for losing the wars--who sent us into Iraq unprepared???
Instead of name calling, blaming this one and that one IF we worked together we might get some where.
comment by greatmartin on Apr 9, 2008 7:44 PM ()

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