I'm a conservative. I believe in America's greatness. Do you? I really would like an answer. I hear people say things and read some of your blogs and wonder, where are the patriots, where are my countrymen. I hear and read things like, we torture our enemies, our President is a moron, our military is murdering civilians. This war is illegal and immoral. Even though those we fight plan your destruction everyday.
I feel like giving up, I'm not really having any effect that I can see anyway. Go on, finish it, destroy whats left of America and her great heritage. It looks like your going to do it whether I fight tooth and nail against you or not. You that disparage our military, shame on you! You that tear down the Commander in Chief...shame.
Water-boarding is torture? It's not, and I think you know that but still you persist. Its UNPLEASANT for sure, torture...no. Ask Marcus Latrell what TORTURE is. He fell in to the hands of our enemies and HE could tell you the difference. I'll bet most of you don't even know who he is. We don't celebrate our hero's anymore, especially our military hero's...shame! Get the book "Lone Survivor" and see what a true American hero IS! Its certainly not a Jane Fonda or a John Kerry, not from where I'm sitting.
You say you support our troops but not the war. Our troops are the one's who fight the war, when I think of what some of you do to their moral it makes my blood boil! There are no parades anymore, only protests, accusations, division, hatred. Some of you university students even had the nerve to ban R.O.T.C. from your campus. Others won't let the military recruit in their high schools. Shame!
What is it that you thought we were gonna do in Iraq back when Hilly and a good percentage of the other "peace loving" Democrats voted to do this thing anyway? The hypocrisy makes me want to vomit! Some of you I know and like YOU personally but the Democratic leadership...they are the purest of scum. Pelosi, Murtha, Conyers, Kerry, Kennedy I could go on and on. America bashing scum! They should be tried convicted and summarily shot! I just don't understand, truly I don't, those of you that SUPPORT them. I know some Democrats and they just don't know anything except that they wear the "blue jersey." How sad, how shameful!
You seem to think conservatives love war. You couldn't be any more wrong. If you would stop impeding it and try supporting YOUR country once in a while we could get it over and done with. Wake up children, THEY declared war on us, it isn't over untill THEY quit! Surrendering (and that's what you want) in Iraq only makes everything worse and prolongs the inevitable. America WILL have a showdown with radical Islam whether we want it or not....THEY DO!
War defined: "War is the art of killing people and breaking things." Lets get on with it!

Just my opinion,
PS I know this might generate some hostility with some of you. Will you please just take a minute and reflect on what I said before you spew any of your "tolerant" comments my way....thanks.
And, I know a LOT of people will disagree with my decision to have voted for Hillary when the CA primaries came along...