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Politics & Legal > I Support Our Troops ... Do You?

I Support Our Troops ... Do You?

   Politics in America has become a football game. Blue jerseys against Red jerseys. So many people are so woefully un-informed about issues and threats facing America today. What counts for them is that their "team" wins! It doesn't matter that Hillary is a liar or that Burak is a racist or that McCain is a Rino as long as "our team" wins! It doesn't matter what it costs our nation, after all America's bad...right?
  I'm a conservative. I believe in America's greatness. Do you? I really would like an answer. I hear people say things and read some of your blogs and wonder, where are the patriots, where are my countrymen. I hear and read things like, we torture our enemies, our President is a moron, our military is murdering civilians. This war is illegal and immoral. Even though those we fight plan your destruction everyday.
   I feel like giving up, I'm not really having any effect that I can see anyway. Go on, finish it, destroy whats left of America and her great heritage. It looks like your going to do it whether I fight tooth and nail against you or not. You that disparage our military, shame on you! You that tear down the Commander in Chief...shame.
   Water-boarding is torture? It's not, and I think you know that but still you persist. Its UNPLEASANT for sure, Ask Marcus Latrell what TORTURE is. He fell in to the hands of our enemies and HE could tell you the difference. I'll bet most of you don't even know who he is. We don't celebrate our hero's anymore, especially our military hero's...shame! Get the book "Lone Survivor" and see what a true American hero IS! Its certainly not a Jane Fonda or a John Kerry, not from where I'm sitting.
   You say you support our troops but not the war. Our troops are the one's who fight the war, when I think of what some of you do to their moral it makes my blood boil! There are no parades anymore, only protests, accusations, division, hatred. Some of you university students even had the nerve to ban R.O.T.C. from your campus. Others won't let the military recruit in their high schools. Shame!
What is it that you thought we were gonna do in Iraq back when Hilly and a good percentage of the other "peace loving" Democrats voted to do this thing anyway? The hypocrisy makes me want to vomit! Some of you I know and like YOU personally but the Democratic leadership...they are the purest of scum. Pelosi, Murtha, Conyers, Kerry, Kennedy I could go on and on. America bashing scum! They should be tried convicted and summarily shot! I just don't understand, truly I don't, those of you that SUPPORT them. I know some Democrats and they just don't know anything except that they wear the "blue jersey." How sad, how shameful!
 You seem to think conservatives love war. You couldn't be any more wrong. If you would stop impeding it and try supporting YOUR country once in a while we could get it over and done with. Wake up children, THEY declared war on us, it isn't over untill THEY quit! Surrendering (and that's what you want) in Iraq only makes everything worse and prolongs the inevitable. America WILL have a showdown with radical Islam whether we want it or not....THEY DO!
War defined: "War is the art of killing people and breaking things." Lets get on with it!

                                     Just my opinion,
PS I know this might generate some hostility with some of you. Will you please just take a minute and reflect on what I said before you spew any of your "tolerant"  comments my way....thanks.

posted on Apr 11, 2008 5:46 PM ()


Goodness, Bill, you stirred up a lot of conversation here. I did get your message. I always try to look at all sides, and I understand that the Dems did go along with the prez. There is enough blame to go around and splash on everyone!! It's a shame. We certainly could use the money wasted on so MANY things!!!

And, I know a LOT of people will disagree with my decision to have voted for Hillary when the CA primaries came along... I like her...
comment by sunlight on Apr 18, 2008 2:45 AM ()
I have question perhaps you would be kind enough to post the answer and I am not being critical or judging here, just ignorant. all of my liberal or democratic friends , however you choose to term them, always say this war is illegal, in fact it is like their own "war cry."

To date though, no one , not one of them, has explained to me why this war is illegal?

I know you do not think it is and thought maybe you could explain this to me because when one says this to me I have no response because I have absolutely no idea why it is illegal therefore have nothing to say. Make sense?

Please help.
comment by mmmhollywould on Apr 16, 2008 6:29 AM ()
I just want to say that I believe the old saying, "all is fair in love and War." That said I do not believe in war crimes.
comment by mmmhollywould on Apr 16, 2008 6:15 AM ()
As a conservative, I hate WAR(S), maybe even more than any democrat, because I have been involved in so many, large and/or small, reported and/or covert, during my 35 years of service. The difference being that when the military action is initiated - by politicians - I want it finished quickly but victoriously for the USofA. Today, being a liberal means standing stoically behind philosophies that have proved to be utter and complete failures - spend more and tax even greater - throwing money down well-meaning and good intentioned rat-holes with no accountability or quantifiable parameters of positive progress. Being a conservative today means being willing and able to try new policies and procedures to help all Americans to possibly become successful, but usually do to so within the levels of tax income currently being generated.
comment by oldfatguy on Apr 12, 2008 9:43 AM ()
Thanks Sunlight!
comment by rants on Apr 12, 2008 8:43 AM ()
"Water-boarding is torture? It's not, and I think you know that but still you persist."----you're kidding, right. We convicted Japanese soldiers for doing it to americans as "torture" in the 1940s...

Being conservative does not mean you have to disagree that Bush is a moron, that THESE republicans don't support the troops but use them for fodder to funnel tax dollars into the pockets of their corporate buddies, that the illegal war in Iraq is immoral and a favor for big oil. McCain says 100 more years in Iraq is fine by him, he won't fight against torture (which has been much, MUCH more than waterboarding) even though he expirenced it himself, and won't support the troops by his own record. Conservatives need to reform their own party, kick these crooks out, and try to fix the name these people have destroyed.
comment by ekyprogressive on Apr 12, 2008 6:22 AM ()
Your Uncle Sam is calling you, too. You look healthy and eligible. Have you volunteered yet? I always say, live out your beliefs. I'll pray for you to come home whole too.
comment by thestephymore on Apr 12, 2008 12:40 AM ()
All I want is my friends back. Complete with their arms and legs and minds. If war is so great, why aren't all the senators and congressmen lined up to volunteer, please? How come the recruiters never hit Harvard as hard as Ole Miss? This isn't a regular war as we know war. This is a civil war between people who bear grudges literally for thousands of years. This will not end in my lifetime. Or yours. Or your grandson's lifetime. I support our troops. I support reuniting them with their families, too. So far only one is home, and she is not talking, period.
comment by thestephymore on Apr 12, 2008 12:35 AM ()
I think that was well written, and thats what your thoughts and opinions are. Thats what blogging is for. Although I might not agree with some of the things you have to say, Its nice to see honest, open feelings about something that bothers you. I might not agree with Bush, or even like the man, but he is in fact the president, and "we the people" put him there twice. If anyone wants to point fingers, they should probaly look in the mirror. They put him there. As for our (and other countries) soldiers, they are doing a job. Its a job. Its one of those "don't hate the messenger" type scenarios. I DO support our troops, while I (and this is just my opinion) dont believe that it is the U.S. responsiblilty to be the "policeman" of the world. Sorry, that got a little long winded there
comment by fugzy on Apr 12, 2008 12:07 AM ()
Bill, I think that we learn our politics young, at our parents' knees, and we are stuck wih those opinions, like it or not. There are stronger minded people (like Hillary?) who went against the grain. However, in my experience, all my friends have been influenced by their families. They are almost all Republicans, mainly because they are strongly religious as were their parents and they do like the Republican standards, many of which seem based on Christianity.

As to our support of the president.... when William Clinton was commander-in-chief... where you supporting him? He WAS president, as Mr. Bush is today. Well, yes, he lied, he cheated... but in many people's minds, so did Mr. Bush lie and deceive us about leading us into war.

As to support of our troops, I don't know of one person who does not support them. They are fine young men and women who are or had been putting their very lives on the line for us. We owe them a lot, and some of them are being neglected when they return home from their harrowing experiences. What I find unacceptable is a Republican (only one) reaction, "They volunteered." This does not excuse the fact that they are being sent back numerous times until they break, either physically or mentally. If we cared, wouldn't we want them safe at home... at last?

Your loyalties are admirable and I wouldn't deprive you of them. Your opinions are just as important in this country as anyone else's. We are a country where free speech should be honored. I am a liberal. You are conservative. Both have merits. To me, a conservative is one who likes to stand by old tried and true convictions that have been proven and worked. To me, a liberal is one who has an open mind to new ideas, which might prove to be better and is willing to try them out to see if there is room for improvement. Not all of them are improvements, but if they're not tried, we'll never know.

I do believe that the old philosophic questions of "good" or "bad" are in play here. I believe we were taught that there is no good or bad, right or wrong... it is a matter of context, time, place, values, point of view. I admit to being disparaging of our president. I have held him responsible for our being embroiled in a war that never should have begun. Afghanistan, yes. Iraq, no. The war has drained our country fairly dry. I am not in difficulties monetarily, but I do know people who are barely hanging on and when bread is over four dollars a loaf, and milk which their children need, well... it becomes problematic. When their homes are in jeopardy of being lost... they are in danger of being homeless. When they can no longer afford medicine for their children... well, the list does go on. I worry about them. I worry about people I do not know. I do believe that we wouldn't be in this mess if we hadn't put so much capital into this war. No, I don't believe we were really in that much danger before it started. I believe that with every fiber of my being... as you believe we were.

I know you hold strong opinions, but there are always two sides... I don't know if either is right or wrong... Just MY opinion. ......So, is this what you consider my "tolerant" comment? BTW, you may not know rants, but I do, and his opinion is just as important as yours.
comment by sunlight on Apr 11, 2008 8:47 PM ()
i seems like u r trying to stir up some #### with people.
i do not agree with your views.
i do not have to share my reasons with u.
comment by rants on Apr 11, 2008 8:04 PM ()
I'm sure you feel in earnest about your world, but that's only your perception. The war on terror, should be instead a goal for peace in the world. Their isn't anyone in Iraq that's a real threat to America. As the head of the CIA said recently, if there's a bombing in the U.S., it will come from Pakistan and no where else. I could quote the hundreds of thousands innocent civilians killed in Iraq, or the fact that there is no Democracy in Iraq, or the walled cities of ethic cleansing or the fact that 60 percent of the foreign fighters there come from Saudi Arabia or the fact that the Sunni are funded by Saudi Arabia or the fact that there is a multitude of Shiite militia there or the fact that America is funding the Sunni new awakening there that the puppet government wants nothing to do with or in one word...there is no war on terror there, just a mess.

And so you call yourself an American. One who believes that people who disagree with you should be shot, or that torture is the American way. Frankly as a Veteran, I find this truly disgusting. I'm amazed how you can not see your own hypocrisy.

As a Veteran, I have no respect for George Bush. For his awol service with the guard while our brothers in arms were laying dead in the jungles of Vietnam. Iraq is his war, not ours and it is doomed to fail. The saddest part about it, is it has nothing to do with terrorism but more to do with the possibility of plunging that whole region into flames.

Quite frankly I'm sick of the hero crap people who don't fight these wars. Because in the end as my father-in-law said to me after returning from Normandy for the 60th. anniversary, he hates it to because "it's just young kids scared as hell trying to stay alive...nothing more". He landed at Utah beach and fought the Germans all the way back to Germany in infantry. My father island hopped chasing the Japaneese until he waited to see if they had to invade Japan. My brother was in the Air Cav in Nam. He remembers the horrors of sweeping in a hot zone and there sorted hands and feet into body bags. I'll forever remember the day I got drafted and the frightened look on his face. I often think about friends of mine who still lay in those jungles of Nam. They never had that chance of a loving daughter like you, nor will they ever hay that opportunity to grow grey and watch their grand children grow up.

But as you say, War defined: "War is the art of killing people and breaking things." Lets get on with it!

That statement to me, is more heart breaking then stirring anger within me.
I, disagree.
comment by strider333 on Apr 11, 2008 6:32 PM ()
War is bad.
comment by rants on Apr 11, 2008 5:54 PM ()

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