Good morning folks. I hope you had a nice and solemn Passover... oh! Wiat! You aren't Jewish!
OK. Neither am I. That's no problem, because whether or not you are Jewish, Passover is a special holy day that Jesus knew and celebrated. After all, they called him "Rebbi."
For those of you who have never heard it pronounced that way, "Rebbi" is sort of Yiddish for "Rabbi."
So much for that.
Anyway, Passover has passed and now we are celebrating the post-IRS season, when we pull ourselves up from our bootstraps (does anyone own boots with straps anymore?), put the snow shovel away, get out the lawn mower, uncover the barbecue, slide up the windows to air out the stuffy house, and most of all - celebrate Earth Day.
Look around. Find a way to make this Earth Day work for your great grandchildren. Pick up and properly dispose of some trash. Recycle something. Tote your groceries in your own cloth bag. Etc.
As for me, I am going to stop going through fast food automobile lines, because the volume of trash I pick up in my curbside front yard is mostly carrying Wendy's, McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell and KFC logos. Too bad we can't drive up to those windows, hand the attendant a bag of our own, and say "Fill-er-up. No paper or styrofoam please."
So much for that.
Personally, I'm going to celebrate my own kind of environment day 365 days a year, starting with today. I pick up Mom at 11:00 am for our weekly expedition to Brunch. At Brunch we don't require plastic or paper (except for the little napkin to wipe the slops off our chin and the coffee spills off the table.) We get to pick and choose what we wish to consume on a very long series of tables. It is a breakfast buffet more than a "Brunch."
Mom enjoys the foray. I get two trips through the buffet room. One is for Mom's plate and the other is for my own. She is going to be 90 in a few weeks, so she doesn't do lines very well.
Speaking of lines, a long one full of rain and thunder went through here last night. God must have liked our bowling alley. I thought the rain was going to be light, according to the weatherman on TV.
But then I thought we were supposed to have a mild winter.
Heh heh.
So much for that.
Have a very good day, a marvelous week and thanks for sitting still while I preached at you.
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