Jon Adams


Jon Adams
Tiffin, OH
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A Minority Of One

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Hobbes finally crashed in the laundry basket, so I get to use the computer.

Re the gall bladder problem:

1. Fish Oil capsules are Gods. They are full of Omega-3 fatty acids, and although I have no idea how it works, when I am about to eat (or drink coffee) I swallow one and it helps a great deal! I believe the Omega-3 attacks fats and other baddies so the liver and gall bladder can take a break.

2. There is no such thing as "Fat Free." Just about every kind of food contains it. Low fat means dick. Skip Low-fat.

3. I have found that hunger creeps into every evening, so I am going to adjust my meal times so that doesn't happen. There are no fat-free snacks, unless you count rice cakes. Rice cakes are like paper puffs. I cannot take rice cakes.

4. Rain, snow, sleet nor hail shall stop me from firing up the charcoal grill out back. I am already tired of baking everything. The frying pans have been retired. Sad.

5. Forget fat free or low fat peanut butter. It is horrible. They make it with something other than real goobers, dudes. I wonder who they think they are kidding!?

6. Salads can be really good. I like salads with Cajun chicken or the ones with salmon. As for salad dressing, yuk. I use a little sesame oil or olive oil with vinegar. Not much. Just enough. Add a fish oil capsule and no pain.

7. Bananas. Good.

8. I love grapefruit juice. All the menu posts say no citrus. They can go to Hades. I'm drinking it right now.

9. Water. Copious amounts. I have been doing 12 to 15 big glasses a day. The bathroom is my favorite rest stop.

10. No popcorn. No Doritos. No nuts. No fun. What can I do to snack? Football Sunday without snacks is boring.

11. No word from the ER doctor yet. I believe it can't be very serious or they would have called with the report from my ultrasound by now. It will be a week tomorrow.

12. Last night it snow/sleet/iced. Just for a short period it did that, but there is no sign of it thing morning. A flock of yearling Robins has inhabited my back yard, flipping leaves to get at the worms and crawlies. Yearlings have little white dots near their necks and on the edge of their wings. They flock, unlike mature Robins, and make their way south for the winter. A few adults are with them - mentors - to show them the way. They are very late this year because of the previous warmth we enjoyed. I told them to come back next Spring and to enjoy the Carolinas.

13. My Number One college team is Texas Tech. My pick for the Heisman is their quarterback. They also have the best hands at wide receiver in NCAAF. What a football team!

14. So far the only NFL team to beat the NY Giants is the Cleveland Browns. Other than that brag, we Browns fans have little to shout about. Next year? New coach. New hopes. New ticket prices?

15. Have a good Veterans' Day. To all my fellow veterans - fly the flag and remember!

posted on Nov 10, 2008 7:54 AM ()


I've been having lots of reflux attacks. Maybe I should try the capsules before meals, too. Might help with the pain in my esophagus.
comment by anniel on Nov 14, 2008 4:01 PM ()
I take fish oil capsules to help fight clogged artery disease which runs in my family. My doc says it works miracles.
comment by anniel on Nov 14, 2008 3:10 PM ()
Terribly sorry about all this. By the way, do you ever hear from Cat? She's gone AWOL.
comment by solitaire on Nov 13, 2008 6:20 AM ()
I recently read somewhere that grapefruit juice has something in it that blocks the impact of certain medications... but if it's fish oil that's doing the trick for you, why not drink grapefruit juice all you want?! (Sounds like you've sacrificed more than enough of everything else already...)
comment by mellowdee on Nov 12, 2008 10:55 AM ()
CALL your doctors office and ask for the results of the test.
I had to call my doc, 4 times, weekly, finally I asked the receptionist to check and read what it said, from the test!
comment by anacoana on Nov 12, 2008 6:56 AM ()
#4 - The sign of a true Midwesterner! My dad used to do the same thing...still does!

#13 - as an eternal Nebraska fan....sigh...I will agree with TT's team this year. Damn impressive.
comment by hawkwoman on Nov 11, 2008 3:17 PM ()
I take cod liver oil tablets(gel caps) each day. since the pain medicines I take can be, well "binding" this helps a lot with "plumbing" issues. I hate low fat peanut tastes like crap and its not that much less in fat than regular. Ditto rice cakes. they taste like styrofoam. I tried the flavored(carmel) ones once and they tasted like carmel flavored styrofoam.

yer former gall bladder sufferer pal
comment by honeybugg on Nov 11, 2008 11:10 AM ()
That's interesting about the effect of omega-3 capsules. Keep 'em coming. Too bad about the peanut butter though
comment by stiva on Nov 10, 2008 8:09 PM ()
Mmm...forbidden graaapefruit jooooce.
comment by busymichmom on Nov 10, 2008 7:20 PM ()
It's a smart man who recognizes the greatness of Texas Tech!
comment by peanutsmom on Nov 10, 2008 6:54 PM ()
You need a couple of nurses to help you. Cindy and I aren't cheap, but we are reasonable!
comment by mzscarlett on Nov 10, 2008 5:35 PM ()
As your friend I am having a wee nip in your honor.
comment by grumpy on Nov 10, 2008 4:04 PM ()
Well hell, that menu SUCKS! I'm feeling your pain my friend.
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 10, 2008 8:36 AM ()
I am feeling your deprivation. Don't leave it up the medics to remember everything. Call about your ultrasound. I am not a veteran but I have fond memories of all the veterans in my checkered past. So a glass of wine tonight for all the veterans in my journal.
comment by tealstar on Nov 10, 2008 7:58 AM ()

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